- 7
Suggestion: Tudor blocks
#675 opened by MatthiasMann - 4
Crashing in Sevtech when breaking Marble with Black Quartz AIOT
#676 opened by RandomLibrarian - 1
Crash on craft table use if craftbook is opened
#677 opened by Pirog17000 - 15
[1.12.2] Most chisel blocks don't display their color in JEI
#678 opened by Alan19 - 4
Crash with Autochisel
#681 opened by Akitori - 1
Blood Magic-Chiseled Blood Runes Missing textures 1.12.2
#682 opened by Drogo01154 - 4
Updating from 1.10.2 to 1.12.2 will remove many chisel blocks in world.
#683 opened by TheTechBandit - 2
Server Disconnect when chisel breaks
#684 opened by IronFractal - 4
[1.12.2] RFTools Quarry Builder dropping Chisel blocks in-world
#685 opened by NielsPilgaard - 3
[1.12.2] Chisel works for me Singleplayer, but it doesn't work on multiplayer?
#687 opened by NoPain9 - 0
Optional dye slot.
#686 opened by Shane371 - 2
erroneous Blocks
#689 opened by xXDarkNovaXx - 0
texture has a different rotation than in 1.7.10 - bug or feature?
#688 opened by pr3sl - 14
Crash report
#690 opened by SheroxGG - 0
Chiseled a stack of blocks, gave me a single block back instead of a stack
#691 opened by Jedddie - 3
[1.12.2] Blocks without texture
#692 opened - 0
[1.12.2] Coloured Glass Crash (Tinkers)
#693 opened by artdude543 - 1
All chisel 2 textures and sprites are missing
#694 opened by TheDarkestShado - 3
Broken/Missing textures
#695 opened by BoxieBoomkin - 2
[Enhancement] Hide the Energy (FE) bar when is not needed
#696 opened by Insane96 - 3
[1.12.2][Suggestion] Thaumium Block Textures
#697 opened by CaptainSisko - 1
FML does not represent CTM as a missing dependency
#699 opened by 1cedsoda - 1
[Compat] Add Project Red stones to Chisel?
#700 opened by Fortanono - 2
Most Blocks without textures, blocks with textures have broken textures, the chisel crashes the game.
#701 opened by Eltemy - 2
#703 opened - 1
[1.12.2] Game crashes when getting zapped by MrCrayFish's Furniture Mod's Electrical Fence when it is placed on any chiseled block.
#704 opened by SonicX8000 - 1
Add Existing Blocks to the Chisel [Question]
#702 opened by acanady - 1
[1.12] Unexpected Crash
#705 opened by CactusDuud - 6
Missing texture in Chisel mod 1.12.2
#706 opened by Rockefeller157 - 1
chisel causing issues with server
#710 opened by diablo184 - 7
Block name changes from 1.10.2 to 1.12.2 -- automatically correct in upgraded worlds?
#711 opened by ErikaRedmark - 1
Custom group error [1.10.2]
#707 opened by EngineerXL - 2
Crash when breaking chiseled block
#708 opened by brisingraerowing - 2
Crash due to Forge switching from Trove to FastUtils
#709 opened by legendblade - 2
Limestone and Marble blocks missing after version upgrade
#712 opened by ImJustAdad - 0
Allowing Prismarine to be chiseled into Prismarine Bricks can cause Prismarine Shard duplication with other mods installed
#713 opened by Gutawer - 1
[1.12.2] Client Crash on Dedicated Server when Selecting Chisel
#717 opened by Xhale1 - 1
[1.12.2] Client crash when using chisel
#714 opened by Hundr - 0
[Feature] Config to disable oreDict registration
#715 opened by Golrith - 11
Better Foliage and Chisels' Auto-Chisel texture issue
#716 opened by SanAndreaP - 4
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jline/internal/Preconditions
#719 opened by Pythonic-Rainbow - 1
[1.12.2] Marble and Limestone gen.
#718 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 3
[Suggestion] Add mineralogy granite, diorite, andesite, marble, basalt, and limestone
#720 opened by Trinsdar - 2
Client crash with EnderIO on the right-click some slabs in JEI
#721 opened by Bulldog83 - 1
Client crash pointing to Chisel
#722 opened by Actaeonis - 1
#723 opened by tonimark - 1
errors in console on spongeforge 1.12.2
#724 opened by Pa4ok - 2
Performance issues/memory leak? with version
#726 opened by theland10 - 1
Tesselating Blocks Crash
#725 opened by CaveJohnsonn - 1
Quark Basalt to Chisel Basalt issue
#727 opened by RepoDraghon