- 8
[1.12.2] Lag trouble? out of ideas. No hurry
#617 opened by Kuroe88 - 32
[1.12.2] Texture of Futura Blocks is messed up
#618 opened by Skaphegor - 2
Crash after placing anti-block
#623 opened by EshaanPr - 1
[MC 1.12] Exception while chiseling laboratory bricks
#619 opened by JordanKnott - 4
[1.12.2] Unable to chisel metal and gemstone blocks
#620 opened by EdC94 - 1
iChisel game crash when stone is turned into spiral stone brick from Twilight forest
#621 opened by BioGeekJoey - 3
[1.12.2] The game crashed whilst initializing game.
#622 opened by AwesomeAla - 1
Connected textures bug with optifine
#624 opened - 0
#626 opened by Trixz2018 - 3
Crash on startup with custom texture pack
#625 opened by Trixz2018 - 4
Tesselating block error
#627 opened by balla2185 - 2
1.12.2 Factory blocks
#628 opened by NisseA - 1
[1.12.2] Duplicateion bug
#629 opened by SirDancealot - 13
[1.12.2] iChisel can't chisel Gold Blocks.
#630 opened by VermillionX - 2
Sound issue or something
#631 opened by twestin74 - 1
[1.12.2] Chisel Doesn't support Quark Glass shards
#632 opened by Ristellise - 14
[1.12.2] Crash with Latest Blood Magic
#634 opened by nmarshall23 - 1
iChisel (crashing/halting) server
#633 opened by Whazaaaaa - 3
Crashing in 1.12.2
#635 opened by SupremHatchet - 4
Minecraft Launcher Crashing
#639 opened by piyushmanolkar - 5
Chisel FML Log Spam and World Gen Cascading Lag
#637 opened by DatrixTHLK - 2
1.10.2 hacerlo compatible con el astral soucery
#642 opened by Andresbautista99 - 0
Duplication using "drop item" button or slot hotkeys
#644 opened by blockspiders - 4
Compress images?
#645 opened by Ghostlyr - 1
Deprecated version of getDrops overridden
#646 opened by SquidDev - 1
Auto-chisel crashing game
#649 opened by MercerK - 1
Auto-Chisel has no recipe
#647 opened by Ristellise - 1
Awkward tesselation of temple cobble
#652 opened by NotAVerb - 2
[1.12] java.lang.NullPointerException - when disabling blocks in config
#653 opened by MasterEnderman - 2
[1.12.2] What's with the carpets?
#654 opened by NotAVerb - 1
[Chisel - MC1.12.2-] Could not resolve <chisel : block_charcoal2 : 1>
#650 opened by NucloidTTV - 4
Auto-Chisel Crash on sound?
#651 opened by MercerK - 3
[1.12.2] Target a Block
#655 opened by SugarDaddii - 6
Not really an issue but maybe something to look into
#656 opened by ThaDaVos - 1
Chunk crashes
#657 opened by xvortex33 - 1
Texture pack
#658 opened by AlexRover - 5
Crash in starting (1.7.10)
#660 opened by michalskip98 - 2
[1.12.2] Make CTM a proper client-side dependency
#661 opened by Choonster - 3
[1.12.2] Rusty Transparent Scaffold Connected Texture Broken
#663 opened by TherminatorX - 2
Dark Prismarine
#665 opened by MarcusElg - 2
[1.12.2] Game crash during initialization.
#664 opened by Cyakat - 1
Error Textures [MC1.12.2]
#667 opened by kellixon - 3
Update the Ender Offset Wand.
#666 opened by swestrup - 3
Modtweaker Logs gives NPE when removing a variation!
#668 opened by Guinaro - 4
Starting up 1.12.x server with Chisel, and without CTM, gives misleading crash reports
#669 opened by LiaungYip - 3
chisel 1.12.2 can't chisel glass panes
#670 opened by ezrau - 2
[1.12.2] Crashed on hitting a chiseled block with EvilCraft's blood on it.
#671 opened by XBagon - 4
[MMD] Textures missing
#674 opened by samip5 - 1
On Worldjoin crash
#672 opened by DrKilledalot - 0
Crash when CTM blocks with EvilCraft blood on top are broken
#673 opened by genandnic