- 1
Error Loading Mod
#796 opened by Voicingspy - 2
Enormous amounts of lag when chiseling, depending on mode
#795 opened by mosharky - 0
Game crashes when opening Chisel Menu while holding a chiseled block
#794 opened by CptPICHU - 1
Water flowing into a tile space with C&B bits will cause the entire negative space of that tile to be converted into water bits
#793 opened by douyabian - 1
Waterlogged bit blocks crash on 1.17.1
#792 opened by Shedao-Shai - 3
Crashing game when using change tool type gui
#791 opened by Ruckius - 1
Crashes within the Valhelsia 3 Modpack
#790 opened by CardForCard - 0
Radial menu will not open at all. All other features work fine.
#789 opened by Amber-09 - 1
Fabulous graphics setting causes graphical issues when holding chisel or bits
#788 opened by Shedao-Shai - 2
When holding chisels rock in hand, pressing Tools menu key will cause the game to crash (bug)
#787 opened by wang-yupu - 2
Inability to rotate blocks, and pick block
#786 opened by Nikofluff - 4
Intense lag on none default bit size
#785 opened by Mbimajosh - 2
[1.16.5] Crash with EvilCraft when taking chisel in hand
#784 opened by Lgmrszd - 3
Rendering issues
#783 opened by Sunekaer - 1
Opening the radial menu crashes the game
#782 opened by TJT01 - 1
Spilled items are always dropping, ignoring the config
#781 opened by LindaJuffermans - 6
Minecraft Crashes when opening radial menu for Chisel Patterns
#780 opened by BreadBxsket - 2
Antivirus and CurseForge Recognizes C&B as Virus
#779 opened by accessdenied0 - 2
Crash to desktop by hovering over a single use pattern while crouching / holding shift
#778 opened by kartoffelsaretasty - 8
Repost: Multiplayer cannot connect to LAN worlds
#777 opened by LouiseWhite212109 - 7
blocks took TOO LONG to load up
#776 opened by ink717 - 1
Only able to use chisel(s) on blocks ONCE in survival
#775 opened by LordOfTheSeasons - 4
1.17 Multiplayer failure-cannot join the room
#774 opened by LouiseWhite212109 - 1
Suggestions: 2 new Chisel Modes (expanding Plane)
#773 opened by CptPICHU - 2
Suggestion: Protection compatibility
#772 opened by CptPICHU - 0
Suggestion: Scrollable Chisel Modes
#771 opened by CptPICHU - 3
Can not connect any servers
#770 opened by Grinkon - 1
wonky shadows
#769 opened by ElNico56 - 0
Annoying Preview boxes :(
#768 opened by URMF-man - 1
Suggestion: Connected Plane
#767 opened by CptPICHU - 6
Transparent bits no longer appear to be connected to each other after leaving and rejoining
#766 opened by ibakedpotato - 0
Radial menu not readable in smaller GUI
#765 opened by LindaJuffermans - 1
chisel blocks took too long to load
#764 opened by ink717 - 1
Producing bits does not respect inventory insertion order.
#763 opened by marchermans - 2
Simple Pattern is not destroyed on use
#762 opened by LindaJuffermans - 5
After using C&B, the bit preview and radial menu remain active without the items.
#761 opened by LindaJuffermans - 4
Ghost blocks left behind after deleting bits
#760 opened by LindaJuffermans - 4
Connected Material 1x1 not what was expected
#759 opened by LindaJuffermans - 1
There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
#758 opened by jrydert - 0
Can't ignore the grid while placing chiseled blocks
#757 opened by creamIcec - 2
Chisel fails to interact with vanilla blocks.
#756 opened by Shunigate - 1
Unable to interacted and crash while using bag.
#755 opened by SavageLykos - 0
Connected Material Placement
#754 opened by Ulysseis - 8
The wrench was a very useful tool, is it coming back (at least for creative builders)? Is there an alternative?
#753 opened by jkPlayer998 - 2
Draw Region
#752 opened by MrMoose1107 - 8
Can't connect to LAN worlds.
#751 opened by Iemelt - 3
Few ones for you here
#750 opened by DestinedToSuffer - 10
All chiseled blocks are dark
#749 opened by jochemvdmeulen - 1
invisible blocks
#748 opened by yggdrasil75 - 1
Feature Return: Rotate menu
#746 opened by dejanubogdan