- 2
Worlds won't load, jumps to title screen
#166 opened - 1
All players disconnect randomly on a certain event
#167 opened by Zethalion - 3
AE2 channels
#168 opened by fusionmc-evilscoop - 1
What happens when a CM is destroyed with a Pickaxe? And when it's put in a trash can?
#171 opened by maxiride - 4
Spectre Room glitch with Compact Machines
#169 opened by maxiride - 4
Mobs not spawning inside the compact machines.
#170 opened by Fousicek - 2
Will you be upgrading this mod?
#172 opened by ChickenChaser99 - 1
Server becomes unresponsive when joining a compact machine
#173 opened by dredhorse - 1
Could not use Tinker's Construct Silky Jewel as upgrade.
#174 opened by IMarvinTPA - 1
- 5
Unable to start world
#178 opened by border999 - 2
#179 opened by ternsip - 3
"dimension already registered" everytime I launch the client
#180 opened by Xireka - 2
move compactmachines
#181 opened by croziors - 6
move compactmachines
#182 opened by croziors - 1
RF basic universal cable mekanism or kinesis
#183 opened by croziors - 2
[SUGGESTION] Config options for how big each tier of Compact Machines are
#184 opened by Arudarin - 7
My game crashes if i go into a room (Compact Machine) [Worked for me by using an older Optifine version!]
#185 opened by Jan2220 - 0
Buildcraft additions problem... when i added it to my modpack it just crushed... whetever i do it just crushes...
#186 opened by Joltkiller - 2
Empty Compact Machines lose Nether Star Upgrade
#187 opened by CandiceJoy - 1
StackOverflow shift-clicking items in any GUI from CM
#188 opened by Eufranio - 1
ae2 connection not working - incompat with rv3-beta 6?
#189 opened by DoomSquirter - 6
Internal Server Error sometimes when connecting to a server
#190 opened by Eufranio - 45
Upgrade to 1.10+?
#191 opened by Nuinethir - 1
Client crashing on join after game crashed in broken compact machine block
#192 opened by orbitwar - 5
crash report when enter the compact machine
#193 opened by runescapejon - 3
Crash when running Optifine in a version newer than 1.7.10_HD_U_D4
#196 opened by TacoUpgrade - 2
PSD should be able to scoop up mini fluid directly
#199 opened by davenonymous - 3
Compatibility with mods changing the player model/size
#198 opened by davenonymous - 2
CM2 b100 Crash on game startup
#200 opened by brisingraerowing - 1
I'm having issues undrestanding use of "Tunnel" and getting it to output?
#201 opened by DarkyAlan - 3
Two Features (Naming Machines and Rebinding Lost Machines)
#202 opened by brisingraerowing - 2
Crashing on windows server
#203 opened by beamer91 - 1
[1.10.2] Crashing after server restart
#204 opened by YOYOK9 - 3
connecting compact machine
#206 opened by GizmoTheAssassan - 5
[Suggestion] Shrinking Device
#207 opened by Ravin890 - 3
CM2 oddities appearing in world gen
#205 opened by BrewingCoder - 2
[Feature Request] TheOneProbe support
#208 opened by brisingraerowing - 2
[1.11.2]Charging of Personal Shrinking Device cause duplication
#209 opened by maham - 3
Just a few Questions
#210 opened by InflamedSebi - 2
Issue with/incomplete description of covering things with miniaturization fluid
#211 opened by pdohogne - 1
Add Configuration Option for Shrinking Fluid Flow
#212 opened by Tylerun - 0
[1.10.2] b104 - Tickrate tanks with someone in a machine
#213 opened by FnordMan - 2
[1.12.1] Random crash when placing projectors
#215 opened by TheLimePixel - 2
[Request] - make CM3 1.12 compatile
#216 opened by Protheus - 2
[1.12] Crash when putting multiple catalysts
#217 opened by TheLimePixel - 4
Stall on World Creation
#218 opened by cjm721 - 2
PCD Duplication Bug
#219 opened by orionSquared - 1
Mod Suggestion 1.12
#220 opened by orionSquared - 5
Mitigate room wall bypass
#221 opened by ouroborus