- 1
Cannon Casting additions and changes via Datapack
#446 opened by drhaber - 1
Azimut display/Ball spread
#448 opened by JavaBoii - 1
Molten liquids do not injure the player when swum in.
#449 opened by Billnotic - 2
Mod is not compatable with Eureka Ships
#458 opened by mehmedskalkolatora - 11
Potential incompatibility with Spectrum's dimensions if not general packet decode failure
#450 opened by Cynosphere - 1
Documentation needs to be updated
#451 opened by rbasamoyai - 1
Drop mortar end should probably drop stored projectiles if disassembled
#452 opened by rbasamoyai - 0
Improved autocannon casting
#453 opened by rbasamoyai - 2
Autocannon Flak Rounds lack some configuration
#454 opened by benjaminiserman - 1
[1.18.2 Forge]Drill Cannon Crafting is incompatible with Create: Interactive
#455 opened by AIMATO - 2
Suggestion: get rid of yaw controller
#459 opened by X66Herobrine66X - 1
Instant Crash
#460 opened by nul666lun - 2
Shell position calculations lose accuracy as speed increases
#461 opened by shuangfas - 3
Imprecise Cannon movement with Sequenced Gearshift
#462 opened by Pecant-Pie - 4
Cannon builder bug
#463 opened by im-very-tired - 2
[1.18.2] Crashes when assembling Create Big Cannons autocannon
#470 opened by TqLxQuanZ - 3
Use Fluid Tags Consistently
#469 opened by petrolpark - 1
Bullets will hit their own plane
#465 opened by Ixqw123I - 1
Fuzes cannot be attached to armor piercing shell.
#466 opened by kotricar - 2
Create Big Cannons is incompatible with the latest build of Create
#467 opened by Sunconure11 - 1
Steel and bronze not existing
#474 opened by Coolthingiguess - 6
Boundary Box of big cannons entity is too big
#480 opened by shuangfas - 1
Autocannon handle on VS structures works wrongly
#514 opened by mlgmdd - 7
[1.18.2] Crashes when assembling Create Big Cannons autocannon
#515 opened by TqLxQuanZ - 2
[Fabric] Incompatible with FarmersDelight-Refabricated
#483 opened by ERroooooR - 1
Suggestion: customizable shells
#485 opened by Pampararararam - 1
incompatibility with create interactive
#486 opened by Pampararararam - 3
When I run the client in IntelliJ IDEA I get the mixin error
#487 opened by shuangfas - 0
Nethersteel ingots tag
#519 opened by Negodya1 - 2
Suggestion: let traffic cone be put on head
#520 opened by YackMyGack - 8
a bug with create[1.20.1][0.5.3b]
#528 opened by kingniu4 - 1
Artillery shells bypass region protection both FTB chunks and worldguard.
#529 opened by JeeNearAll - 1
When entering the world after 100 it throws you out of the world
#533 opened by ydedwq1 - 3
[fabric 1.20.1] unexpected crash
#534 opened by neotrit - 1
Put the fact bronze and steel are dependent on other mods in the mod descriptions on CF and update it on modrinth pls
#535 opened by FatherSarge - 1
[Feature Request] Auto Aim
#536 opened by duarm - 1
`java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'net.minecraft.class_1255`
#537 opened by bill88t - 1
Small Error when used with VS2 and Eureka
#538 opened by FatherSarge - 2
Impact fuze with quick-firing breech
#539 opened by gegentan - 1
Cannon Yaw angle inconsistant
#544 opened by jam-jar-binks - 1
[Feature] Missing steel.
#549 opened by JedaiGames - 1
trying to find initial velocity calculations for projectile
#550 opened by bobberwobber - 1
5.5.0 crash in forge 1.18.2
#560 opened by KODU16 - 6
[Bug] Autocannons not recognized (Potential mod incompatability)
#562 opened by NeedsterW - 1
Stack overflow while casting
#571 opened by zlataovce - 2
How to adjust autocannon spread and damage?
#573 opened by Nycto4bia - 1
BlockEvent.BreakEvent issue
#578 opened by 301haru - 1
Cant play any world
#575 opened by hoklm981 - 1
Game Crashes when you fire a cannon
#581 opened by AbomiNathan96 - 9
Shell chunk loading failed bug
#586 opened by kamitojaeger