- 1
NullPointerException - missing entry: create:minecart_contraption
#6200 opened by FigmaFan - 2
An Critical Error has occured
#6197 opened by Dzevis - 1
Display Board causes Chunk Issues
#6198 opened by Indy1880 - 7
Create encountered an error during the common_setup event phase
#6199 opened by DwaEm31 - 2
mistakes help How to do the setting
#6170 opened by Krycio - 1
Hand does not render when using Netherite backtank
#6173 opened by metapuns - 1
#6174 opened by RegularSource - 0
Sequenced gearshift and Gantry stop error after reload
#6176 opened by QuicksilverBou - 1
Add curios compatibility to the dive gear, and backtanks
#6178 opened by Nicodemus111 - 1
Mechanical Press not working
#6177 opened by Paul11923 - 0
Suspicious Stew cannot be crafted with Mechanical Mixer
#6181 opened by KalebMorton - 1
some trubles with train assemble
#6179 opened by IshuCute - 1
Trouble with a driver's hat on an Alley
#6180 opened by SoulMinf - 1
Schematicannon Can't Take In Gunpowder
#6182 opened by DereC4 - 3
Detailed world generation is missing and can’t be implemented
#6183 opened by agentsixtynine - 2
Two pistons pulling the same object will make the piston pull the other piston instead of both pulling the object
#6201 opened by AutumnalModding - 8
Slidingdoor causing game to crash
#6184 opened by Rabbit-5728 - 2
Backtank custom mod data isn't being preserved when it's placed in block form
#6186 opened by CsiPA0723 - 1
Zinc not spawning in version 0.5.1.f 1.20.1
#6185 opened by Alerb262jz - 0
Config option to stop schematicannon from replacing solid blocks
#6188 opened by deskchair404 - 1
Missing stripped wood types for Quark and Botania.
#6190 opened by pyrrhicPachyderm - 0
An idea for building a simple feedback control system
#6189 opened by CatRouter - 4
[1.20.1_0.5.1f] Game Crashes on Load
#6191 opened by Flexico - 1
Deployer hand is invisible? (Even with shaders off)
#6192 opened by Aureulius - 6
Missing 'Flywheel' [0.6.10/0.6.11] requested by 'Create' [0.5.1.f]
#6193 opened by xxasb - 4
Cannot remove ghost blocks of a schematic once placed in world
#6195 opened by UltrascatterRED - 2
Schematics adjacent in Hotbar break the preview
#6196 opened by DereC4 - 1
1.20.1 Something went wrong when i found a village...
#6202 opened by FirdausCraft10 - 0
I cant see the highlights for superglue and schematics.
#6203 opened by Raisauruss - 13
armor trims not working 1.20.1
#6204 opened by Dutchkills - 2
The shaft and gears
#6208 opened by maniscooland - 1
Some chunks don't load in the debug world
#6205 opened by Lolothepro - 1
#6206 opened by RegularSource - 4
[Forge 47.2.20] Crash on client and server
#6207 opened by TheShadowModsUK - 0
Mechanical Press should be able to create sheets through chute when item is on a depot
#6209 opened by Shirkie01 - 12
Fatal bug! Unlimited copying of items!
#6210 opened by QianMuu - 1
server crash after player enter /c ponder
#6211 opened by NancalaStarry - 3
Anti-Tamper switch for Trains so new users are unable to remove schedules and stop trains
#6212 opened by burdoto - 3
Armor items from Create do not render trims when using Almost Unified or added via NBT data
#6213 opened by steve-the-player - 1
Items not loading
#6214 opened by JoeMayglothling - 0
There may be some strange errors during the descent of the rope pulley.
#6215 opened by EmptyDreams - 1
Crash Issue with Windmill Bearing in Create Mod on Sponge Server
#6216 opened by kslz - 0
Allow train wagons to transfer items between each others
#6217 opened by DDzwiedziu - 0
Outlines do not render through transparent blocks
#6218 opened by rhysdh540 - 0
Schematic cannon overides FTB Chunks claims and Spawn Protection
#6219 opened by Meteoblastdragon - 0
1.20.1 (potentially other versions) Deployer consumes damageable items in a single use when the item is combined with an eternal stella from Forbidden & Arcanus
#6220 opened by DakotaPride - 1
Minecraft crashes when texture packs are applied
#6223 opened by Olivia11112222 - 80
Parallel mod loading causes CMEs which result in create's creative tab missing entries
#6222 opened by IThundxr - 1
Placing down backtanks will remove Quark's Runic Etching
#6225 opened by Frosticle - 2
Goggles don't show any stats
#6226 opened by Subrodai