- 1
Smart chute doesn't detect stationary items
#5081 opened by Haywildcreeper - 2
Let deployers set train schedules
#5082 opened by FlynnLies - 3
Toolbox incorrectly serialized/deserialized when used as MountedStorage on contraption
#5083 opened by telemenar - 4
cannot start the latest 1.19.2 version
#5084 opened by RedstoneGyerek - 0
1.19.2 Report “Invalid player data” when players join the server
#5085 opened by gugugu625 - 2
crash client - create-1.19.2-0.5.1.c
#5086 opened by GitJhopa - 1
Crash on player contact with conveyer belts
#5087 opened by catreus - 0
Create crash
#5088 opened by Carol3301 - 1
Rows of encased chain drive with segment rotated change rotation direction if switched between north-south and east-west orientations
#5089 opened by HonkerBonker - 8
Cherry Log cant be used to make Andesite Casing
#5090 opened by data-hash - 1
the trains are broken :(
#5042 opened by sergii160411 - 0
Allow shafts to interact with microblocks
#5044 opened by Lilygabe - 5
NEW: Create Elevator Crashes Server
#5043 opened by donottype - 1
Underwater view fog + culling issues
#5046 opened by pyrosparker - 2
no water fog?
#5045 opened by Aceplante - 0
Use a tag to determine what pants and boots should work with the Netherite Diving Helmet
#5048 opened by nitrodynamite18 - 0
Place elevator contraptions
#5047 opened by oscar30gt - 2
Pushing potentially addon-breaking changes into bigger updates
#5049 opened by Chaos02 - 1
Help ;-;
#5051 opened by kotasonfire - 0
Mechanical belt crash Minecraft
#5050 opened by Bruh9797 - 0
Scheduled trains improvement
#5052 opened by MightyBunch - 1
Sequenced Assembly recipes with same input item & filling as the first step not possible
#5053 opened by PssbleTrngle - 0
crash server
#5054 opened by GitJhopa - 2
Cherry doesn't exist anymore (biomeoplenty)
#5093 opened by ChenilleSaline - 4
#5092 opened by Entity018 - 0
crash server #2 (1.19.2 Forge)
#5055 opened by GitJhopa - 1
Server crash
#5056 opened by Daniel-Gomez487 - 0
Hose Pulley fails to create bubble columns when filling water onto Soul Sand or Magma Block
#5060 opened by iBug - 3
Mysterious Crafting Troubles - KubeJS, JEI
#5061 opened by FooterManDev - 0
The game crashed whilst initializing game
#5062 opened by Caio-Caetano - 0
create:drill and other mechanism can destroy Lootr chests, barrel
#5064 opened by GitJhopa - 1
Error about loading a class.
#5063 opened by rokosz1255 - 7
Create / Supplementaries crash together (MC 1.20.1)
#5065 opened by AKA-4K4 - 2
Brocken string in 1.20.1
#5066 opened by luffypirat - 7
Create & OptiFine crashes
#5067 opened by Caio-Caetano - 1
Client and Server crashing
#5068 opened by Spacey78 - 1
Crash on load
#5069 opened by Digeot - 1
PSI (portable storage interface bug
#5070 opened by totaldish - 0
Ticking Block Entity, server fatal error (Mohist Server)
#5071 opened by Kot2000 - 5
Cant fill cauldrons with water
#5072 opened by FarmerOfBricks - 7
#5073 opened by supapigeon - 6
1.20.1 Create Crashing Game when trying to go in Single Player
#5074 opened by Zeta1209 - 30
1.20.1 Crashing on bootup
#5075 opened by celsiusqc - 0
Create contraptions not properly saving with Minecraft Structure Blocks
#5076 opened by MintBeeps - 2
Crash before Main Menu MC [1.19.2] Forge [43.2.14] Create [0.5.1c]
#5077 opened by P4YN-Ki - 0
Redstone link reciever has a sligtly different model when switching on
#5078 opened by DanMakesStuff - 0
[Extreme Lag / Crash] Roller Ticking Bug
#5079 opened by iglee42 - 1
Mechanical Drill on Mechanical Bearing skipping blocks in high speeds
#5094 opened by PaulerLeOne - 0
Trains can pass through the portals created by Custom Portal API or the portal to other mods' dimention
#5096 opened by gssdhandan - 0
Trains with multiple Fluid Tank multiblocks void some of the liquid during unloading
#5097 opened by checkerddd