- 0
Crashes after writing /csbconfig
#26 opened by SleepyXander - 0
is there supposed to be a config?
#27 opened by JetpackRescue - 0
Update to fabric 1.20.1 or else
#28 opened by jeremy-s-hill - 5
Incorrect selection box for ThermalDynamics pipes
#3 opened by Blue-Beaker - 0
[1.12.2] Options button doesn't show up with Xaeros Minimap installed
#5 opened by CREEATION - 3
[1.12.2] "Blur"-Mod incompatibility
#6 opened by CREEATION - 0
[Suggestion] Add preview when not in a world (e.g. opening settings from main menu)
#7 opened by CREEATION - 4
#8 opened by Blue-Beaker - 1
Move the config button into a command
#9 opened by shedaniel - 3
[Issue][1.14] Break Animation dosen't work
#11 opened by bill96012 - 0
Keep vanilla selection box while showing csb
#12 opened by Blue-Beaker - 3
java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraft.util.math.EntityRayTraceResult cannot be cast to net.minecraft.util.math.BlockRayTraceResult
#13 opened by jakey1995abc - 1
Crash on config screen load
#15 opened by Anime0258 - 2
CSB 5.0.1 for Fabric MC 1.16.1 doesn't draw selection box.
#16 opened by JillSwift - 1
Custom Selection Box don't works with Fabulous graphics.
#17 opened by CMaster1987 - 3
CSB does not work with multi-hitboxes blocks facing east.
#18 opened by KrLite - 1
Please clarify license
#19 opened by grondag - 5
Please externalize WorldRenderer logic/state
#20 opened by grondag - 0
[suggestion] an "inverted color" box
#21 opened - 0
Broken with Immersive Portals
#22 opened by AmyMialee - 1
1.17 Support
#23 opened by Glucy-2 - 0
Add crosshair coloring option
#25 opened by RealRTTV - 4
#1 opened - 1
Crashing with MaLiLib
#2 opened by shedaniel