- 5
Cape still visible with Wavey Capes installed, elytra uncoloured.
#15 opened by Inqie - 1
#14 opened by AndyKitty8 - 2
Server crashed
#17 opened by LazarZegrea - 3
Coins JE Banner Support
#16 opened by RobertHDPotatoes - 3
#32 opened by DeathAngel1374 - 2
Compatibility issue.
#33 opened by michaelukz - 2
Cloud Storage not compatible
#34 opened by ZzamZ - 2
Bug: Customizable Elytra (customizableelytra) encountered an error during the common_setup event phase (Registry Object not present: aether:golden_parachute)
#35 opened by MoonMoonShark - 7
[Suggestion] Remove the recipe combining two Elytra Wings together becoming one Wing with no data
#36 opened by PokeMaserJ - 11
Customizable Elytra (customizableelytra) encountered an error during the sided_setup event phase
#18 opened by falconfruitpunch1 - 1
Compatibility with MoreBannerFeatures
#20 opened by Disketaa - 2
Not showing in curios cosmetic slot
#21 opened by DoctorMage - 1
Incompability with Additional Banners
#22 opened by RedBeast1959 - 14
Dyeing or putting a banner on elytra only gives me one wing.
#23 opened by xKazIsKoolx - 3
Crashes on 1.18.2
#27 opened by Aceplante - 1
Unable to convert to vanilla Elytra
#28 opened by SamHammie - 1
Custom Elytra doesn't work in Trinkets slot with Elytra Slot mod
#29 opened by KaroYT - 1
Incompatible with MorePlayerModels
#30 opened by xLoadingx - 5
Banner elytras fail to render with 3d Skin Layers and Iris
#31 opened by val-int1 - 1
Suggestion to change "Elytra wing" to "Elytron"
#37 opened by FierceDIO - 1
[1.21] After Installing mod on latest version the game ccrash
#38 opened by Periam - 3
Game is not launching with elytra slot and customizable elytra.
#39 opened by SxRHunter - 1
Trial trims
#40 opened by SockmanPro - 0
Incompatibility with Create: Armor Trims
#41 opened by MyreneGourem - 1
Make custom elytras compatible with the Elytra Trinket mod (please)
#42 opened by idkmandev - 0
[Suggestion] Archaeology Banners Compat
#44 opened by EpicSpooder - 1
Banner elytras do not appear to be showing properly
#43 opened by tillasiren - 2
[1.21.4] Delusional
#45 opened by stegpeng - 2
Crash upon launch
#1 opened by MindFaer - 5
Server Crash
#2 opened by WenXin20 - 1
Incompatibility with Curious Elytra
#3 opened by PortalInTime - 4
Banner Pattern Elytras override textures beneath them.
#4 opened by bconlon1 - 2
Crash on client
#5 opened by xXxJozsixXx - 2
Crash while casting DownloadingTexture to SimpleTextureInvoker
#6 opened by bconlon1 - 1
Infinite Elytra Durability by crafting into Elytra Wings
#8 opened by Partonetrain - 1
Mod isn't able to be played on multi-player
#9 opened by uncertainluei - 12
Unable to join my server, but other players with 1.5.4 are able to.
#10 opened by antibang - 3
Recipes not registered in JEI and unable to edit in CraftTweaker/KubeJS
#11 opened by Jarva - 1
Named elytra does not preserve pattern, and reversely - patterned one does not preserve name
#12 opened by Toma400 - 2
Cape still visible with elytra when in Curious Elytra slot
#13 opened by Inqie