- 2
Cannot craft paper walls
#8 opened by uecasm - 2
JEI integration (PLEASE?)
#12 opened by Talyda - 1
Basic blocks don't have loot tables, and some seem to use default block tags/materials
#11 opened by vectorwing - 4
Optifine - Purple and Black Textures
#18 opened by HelixCreations - 1
Textures not showing with shader
#15 opened by wingandstache - 8
Incompat with REI on 1.18.1
#16 opened by itsdinkd - 3
Trapdoors become Creative Item
#17 opened by bearsjunior - 11
Architects cutter inconsistency
#25 opened by SivartMcDorf - 2
#20 opened by autonad - 15
massive memory usage from inefficient 3d models leading to lag and crashes
#19 opened by Himkey - 2
Cannot launch with forge 0.19
#22 opened by itsdinkd - 1
1.0.33 is only tagged on Curseforge as 1.18 - not 1.18.1
#24 opened by superninjakiwi - 1
Have materials stay in the architectural cutter as you exit the GUI
#28 opened by pantsguyapp - 3
doors changing orientation when open
#26 opened by zoimos - 1
Request: Half Height Shingles
#27 opened by Idefkftt - 1
Optifine error
#29 opened by Nightenom - 2
BSL shaders break textures
#30 opened by epicyeeto - 2
Cactus Stairs
#32 opened by SerranoPancake - 4
Solid blocks should not be translucent render type
#31 opened by Nightenom - 12
Snow on Tiled Roofs
#56 opened by Zygus42