- 7
No gui for particle generator.
#380 opened by mrtomwolf - 3
[1.10.2] Breaking Draconic Fusion Crafting injector returns a basic Fusion Injector
#379 opened by Morpheus1101 - 1
[1.10.2] Energy Pylon Stops transfering after area unloads & stops showing xfer particles after server exit/crash...
#378 opened by Morpheus1101 - 7
After world has loaded
#377 opened by Rongmario - 3
Burn event not cancelled when cancelling hit
#376 opened by Eufranio - 2
Client disconnect on crossmod interaction with GalaxySpace
#375 opened by midorlo - 2
draconium block not a valid block for energy core multiblock
#374 opened by ilordnightmarei - 2
Energy Core Invalid for Draconic-Evolution-1.10.2-
#373 opened by OfficialStamper - 3
Energy Storage Core not working in
#372 opened by AlphaWHH - 1
Crash while connecting to a server
#371 opened by ZeroNoRyouki - 1
This is a question but i didnt know where to put it
#370 opened by joey61892 - 4
[1.10.2] 2D mode results in missing textures.
#369 opened by HellishINC - 3
Need a way to disable certain blocks.
#368 opened by joelou1 - 4
Crash upon world loading
#367 opened by Rongmario - 11
Problem after root server crash
#366 opened by chaos234 - 2
Soul not reading nbt
#365 opened by wolfcomp - 2
1.10.2 : mob grinder don't kill
#364 opened by Lorenzo77 - 1
Draconic grinder multiplies
#363 opened by MEzmirly - 7
CraftTweaker(MT port for 1.8 +) recipe changing crash
#362 opened by the-creamster - 1
Wither stars dupe when killed with grinder
#360 opened by FluffyHusky - 4
Resurrection won't activate
#359 opened by bblay - 11
Please Help if u can
#358 opened by Ganboo - 1
Chinese garbled
#357 opened by CHZZ82 - 15
Wearing Draconic or Wyvern leggings cause the players view to zoom in.
#356 opened by andrewt1738 - 2
Zoom bug
#355 opened by andrewt1738 - 8
Draconic Evolution multiple crashes
#354 opened by ChrisMar00 - 6
draconic armor flight speed very low
#353 opened by shadoxxhd - 1
Reactor explosion algorithm is incorrect
#352 opened by DarkAyron - 2
Bow enchantments don't work.
#351 opened by Dark-Dragoon - 1
Small textures in the texture atlas limit the mipmap level
#350 opened by mezz - 1
Upgrade Modifier
#349 opened by Lordicon - 3
Draconic / Wyvern bow doesn't charge when crafted
#348 opened by TopWraith - 3
Strange graphics bug
#347 opened by DestinyPlayer - 6
Explosive damage config doesn't work
#346 opened by Jakja2 - 1
Draconic/wyvern bow wont charge
#345 opened by arcfiend1 - 2
Crash upon player connecting
#344 opened by GreatOrator - 1
upgrade not presisten upon tool/armor upgrade from wyvern to draconic
#343 opened by krismoellegaard - 1
Crash using the crystal binder wrench
#341 opened by GreatOrator - 4
Issue with step assist
#340 opened by HadesDurin - 3
Version not aviable 1.0.2f
#339 opened by HadesDurin - 2
[Hotfix Required] Config options.
#335 opened by OneEyeMaker - 1
Draconic Bow Dupe
#334 opened by LezChap - 1
[Multiplayer] Placing the reactor stabilizer crashes server continously
#333 opened by Scorcher7986 - 3
Reactor stabilizer and Open Computers Adapter kick
#331 opened by Joshi120 - 1
The draconic bow's ''magnification'' mode defective
#330 opened by Libright1558 - 5
Draconic Bow 1.7.10 (New Verision)
#329 opened by Ethereall - 6
Disabling "place item in world" feature
#328 opened by NIK220V - 2
ModelWyvernArmor + RenderPlayerAPIEnhancer
#327 opened by SvEgiiVEteR - 1
[Sugesstion] DE Cable
#326 opened by HadesDurin - 1
Annoying Armor Sound
#325 opened by Theta-Dev