- 12
Singleplayer and Server hang/come to stop when generating dungeon.
#53 opened by RedTiger99 - 4
Server crash when entering a chunk with a dungeon (1.16.4)
#52 opened by baysupercool - 3
Game is soft-killed when traveling to certain location
#51 opened by Hiranus - 0
Null Multipart Model Data Instance
#50 opened by WenXin20 - 5
[1.16.3-2.1.1] Instead of mob spawners there are stone blocks in dungeons.
#49 opened by Thombias - 0
- 1
Does it work server-side only ?
#47 opened by AndyStan112 - 2
[1.15.2] Dungeons spawning way too many mobs with identical(ish) gears
#46 opened by Dallong - 1
Cave spider spawner may be borked, it overspawned a whole ton of spiders.
#45 opened by BugmanBugman - 0
Dungeon crawl sometimes spawns way too much spawns in one room
#44 opened by BugmanBugman - 0
crash on tirphycraft dimension entry (broken min dimension height requirement)
#43 opened by Tyrius1 - 1
- 1
[1.16.1] datapack customizations not following loot_levels in random_item function
#41 opened by ahinh43 - 2
Issue with Enderman spawners cages throwing NBT error
#40 opened by mactso - 0
Wrongly placed vines
#39 opened by xyroc - 1
[1.16.1 - Suggestion] Add a config option that "encases" dungeons for cave generation compatibility
#38 opened by pa1nki113r - 0
Low world ground height results in dungeon layer count being negative, crashing the game.
#37 opened by Tyrius1 - 1
Dungeons do only generate in chunks with positive x and z coordinates.
#36 opened by Chemalagos - 2
Stuck in loading.
#35 opened by ItaloCunhaBueno - 1
Dungeon generation is really weird
#34 opened by traveldesign - 1
1.16.1 server support issue
#33 opened by KeeganKnapp - 0
Dungeon appears to have broken End Portal
#32 opened by eliminat - 0
Extreme RAM usage when walking through dungeons.
#31 opened by ItsNotTravis - 0
1.15.2 Dungeon Crawl potentially causing server to hang
#30 opened by kornfan6589 - 0
Dungeons Generating completely underground with Terraforged worldgen mod.
#29 opened by tobi-polar - 4
Using /locate dungeoncrawl:dungeon in any non-vanilla dimension will cause the world to get stuck forever. (1.15.2)
#28 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 1
Bottom Netherblock Layer
#27 opened by TheUntamed - 2
Is there a way to open a map generated with your mod in vanilla?
#26 opened by AndreiTS - 0
/locate command doesent work and villages dont generate with Default Amplified Boimes
#25 opened by knoc-off - 2
#24 opened by Ake247 - 2
[1.15.2]Server crash
#23 opened by EnterFor - 1
hanging on 1.15.2 under certain circumstances
#22 opened by Seegras - 3
[1.15.2]Dungeons do not form
#21 opened by EnterFor - 1
Problem loading slimes
#20 opened by djtaco13 - 3
/Locate command in dimensions without dungeons will cause infinite loop due to a dimension/biome check somewhere
#19 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 5
Dungeons Ignoring Overworld Blacklist
#18 opened by Omnimetatron - 4
[1.14.4] Crash on world gen
#17 opened by mcenderdragon - 2
[1.14.4] [Singleplayer] Client crash on 'createLootRoom' function generating new chunk
#16 opened by dreckz - 3
1.15.2 - Dungeons not generating on server
#15 opened by Partonetrain - 0
[1.14.4] [Multiplayer] Server timeout of chunk re-render
#14 opened by dreckz - 0
[1.14.4] Crash on world gen
#13 opened by darkphan - 0
[1.15.2] mod not loading dungeon_crawl.toml from defaultconfig folder
#12 opened by realTIMematrix - 0
Broken enchanted books
#11 opened by Darkere - 2
Upgrade from 1.4.0 to 1.5.2: Unknown feature id: minecraft:dcdungeon
#10 opened by cpburnz - 1
Feature Placement causes World-Breaking Crash
#9 opened by oitsjustjose - 2
[1.14.4] Structure.hasStartAt somehow trying to instantiate array with negative size
#8 opened by noobanidus - 0
[Suggestion] Mine and Slash compatible loot pool
#7 opened by Felinaxo - 1
[suggestion] Boss Room
#6 opened by MasterSloth1 - 3
1.14.4 Server crash with dungeoncrawl + apothesis
#5 opened by zEpiixz - 1
[QUESTION] Configuring loot tables with items from other mods
#4 opened by FiskFuji