- 4
Thunder volume
#134 opened by 5467864 - 26
[1.21.1][NeoForge] Dynamic Surroundings 0.4.1 breaks fog rendering of other mods even if every fog tweak is disabled.
#135 opened by VOLKOUL - 3
Footsteps sounds 1.21.1
#138 opened by euquinox - 0
Feature Requests: Support for Fabric 1.21.4 and support for Plasmo Voice\Simple Voice Chat
#139 opened by Ozzuneoj - 1
Some questions
#140 opened by wsxiya - 0
[1.21.1-0.4.2] Add subtitles for newly added sounds
#141 opened by OreCruncher - 2
Compatibility Issue
#142 opened by iamsirknight