- 4
Crash on double tapping inventory button
#8 opened by stw222 - 1
Dont fill the table
#9 opened by oOMogliOo - 1
not sure what happened in this crash
#10 opened by stw222 - 1
forge does not recognize the mod file
#11 opened by Legatonin - 2
1.14+build.1-0.4.2+build.132 build
#12 opened by ardentcrest - 1
Crash when loading a world with this mod in 1.14.2
#13 opened by Harveykang - 3
Not functional in Fabric 1.14.4
#14 opened by jivvy - 1
Crash upon world load
#15 opened by iamweirdie - 1
Disable categories
#16 opened by Madis0 - 3
[Suggestion]Add easier crafting for stone cutter
#17 opened by Harveykang - 3
GUI Compatibility with Roughly Enough Items
#18 opened by Nukiloco - 1
Recipe shape does not match, sometimes
#1 opened by gbl - 1
[Request] A way to scroll through the list of available recipes
#2 opened by MysticAura - 0
Interface problems
#3 opened - 2
Can't Open Crafting Table With Mod Active.
#4 opened by TechnologicApe - 6
Crash client on opening inventory
#5 opened by APolarBaer - 1
one click
#6 opened by MarvelDC - 4
Devide by zero crash when joining server
#7 opened by stw222