- 2
[Feature Request] Split Transceiver buffer config into local and I/O buffers
#4245 opened by SDPhantom - 0
Unable to Load Core
#4246 opened by Panthr75 - 5
Crash while starting
#4249 opened by OmegaRogue - 1
[1.10.2] EnderIO causes issue with Enchanting plus hanging a SP world on generation
#4250 opened by Morpheus1101 - 0
[Feature Req] Refined Storage conduits
#4247 opened by bence98 - 3
Entity duplication with soul vial
#4248 opened by Twisted-Code - 1
1.10.2 Farming station does not pick up apples with Dark Oak
#4253 opened by JonoColwell - 1
[1.10.2] EnderIO not loading after Applied Energistics
#4254 opened by Robijnvogel - 2
[Bug/Enhancement] Enchanter Initial Level Cost
#4255 opened by ElvenChaos - 0
Item Conduit GUI Buttons Effecting Multiple Values
#4251 opened by oitsjustjose - 1
modded swords for killer joe
#4252 opened by ptk2003 - 7
[1.10.2] All Conduit Facades Invisible In-World with CTM Installed
#4261 opened by oitsjustjose - 4
[1.10.2] Vacuum Hoppers not accessible by non-Ender IO conduits
#4257 opened by s0uthw3st - 4
#4258 opened by blockbreaker1361 - 1
CRASH on Startup
#4259 opened by AnthonyKane5528X - 4
crash server because of the dimensional tranceiver
#4267 opened by itskresus - 5
Farming Station not checking RF before executing action
#4262 opened by Robijnvogel - 9
Entity Count increase by using EIO Item Conduits
#4263 opened by CharZinta - 5
Transparency bug on QuiteClearGlass
#4264 opened by emanuele6 - 1
Farming Stations creating multiple fake worlds resulting in performance decrease
#4265 opened by Brend-Smits - 7
Loot capacitors can be combined to produce insane amounts of power in a Stirling Generator
#4266 opened by fotoply - 3
Conflict with Draconic Evolution
#4273 opened by llloyd4 - 2
Crash when Tinkers Sword in Dark Anvil with Enchanting Book
#4268 opened by ReportBot9009 - 2
#4269 opened by HeavyDeception - 2
[1.10.2] EnderIO 3.1.193 Soul Vial issue w/Mo' Creatures
#4270 opened by Dfox444 - 1
Console Spam: World constructed without a WorldInfo!
#4271 opened by Sir-Will - 2
Experience Obelisk copy XP
#4272 opened by VerniyDespair - 5
Strange Farming Station crash.
#4275 opened by NEXUS2345 - 1
Disable Auto Output
#4276 opened by MissPotato - 5
Mod request [1.10.2]
#4277 opened by HeberonYT - 4
Filter Soul Vials
#4278 opened by duncanwebb - 0
#4274 opened by DerpHQ - 1
[1.10]Crafter doesn't craft with IC2 recipes
#4280 opened by Blue-Beaker - 0
Farming station doesn't accept some hoes
#4281 opened by Blue-Beaker - 2
EnderIO Duplication Glitch 1.10.2 (Tested)
#4282 opened by MathiewMay2 - 2
Could not set value config entry enchantmentWitherArrowRarity
#4279 opened by fcpwiz - 10
Exception while updating neighbours
#4283 opened by CitrusFruit - 2
Why is 1.11.2 EnderIO is taking so long?
#4284 opened by BENDY123 - 9
[Suggestion]Add more Dark tools
#4285 opened by Blue-Beaker - 5
Different Farming Station Crash
#4287 opened by gklewis-ataxiagames - 0
Vat Fluids and the Dispenser
#4286 opened by crhallberg - 4
Item conduit not pulling from Immersive Engineering Gardening Cloche.
#4291 opened by zackeezy - 3
wither skel replacement: connection terminated without generating log data
#4292 opened by shadoxxhd - 2
#4288 opened by lAimBotl - 1
EnderIO items dont show up in tab
#4289 opened by DeathHorde - 1
[1.10.2] [Suggestion] Use OrdDict for fertilizer in Farming Station
#4290 opened by s4msung - 5
#4293 opened by drock71101 - 0
Soundbug with conduits
#4294 opened by flexmak - 2
InvPanel needs LegacyMachineWrapper subclass for return/storage area toggle
#4295 opened by HenryLoenwind - 1
Incorrect behaviour when shift clicking crafting result in inventory panel
#4296 opened by PhilGooodInc