- 3
XP obelisk cant hold more than 65535 XP
#5154 opened by resinate - 6
Bug:Inhibitor Obelisk is not working
#5155 opened by jagabata22 - 2
net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Tesselating block in world CCL render error with refined storage conduit
#5158 opened by maicol07 - 2
Electromagnet says it's a bauble but it has no slot...
#5159 opened by RepoDraghon - 0
Conduit facade Z fighting wth conduit connector
#5156 opened by MatthiasMann - 4
Broken Elytra on Dark Plate outputs entire Elytra.toString()?
#5157 opened by IRISHMAN04 - 11
Dimensional Transceiver doesn't send its max IO value in energy
#5160 opened by Prism0 - 1
Illegal Async Chunk Load with Sponge
#5163 opened by clienthax - 0
Ender IO machines can take up to 3 seconds to load their GUI.
#5161 opened by arceus179 - 2
EnderIO crash with Tinker's construct when i try to add Thermal Fondation, expansion and dynamics
#5162 opened by caimez323 - 2
Request: Mattock ability to create path blocks
#5164 opened by RepoDraghon - 5
Energy Conduits Not Transferring Power
#5166 opened by FeedCat02 - 7
Crash after setting a config to false
#5167 opened by SoonBanned - 2
EIO / TiCo liquid glass issue
#5165 opened by Sakata-MC - 5
Skyfactory4 wont work with EnderIO
#5169 opened by aussie4 - 5
Killer Joe Breaks Unbreakable Tools
#5170 opened by JPitholz - 2
"Could not read item filter with class name: crazypants.enderio.base.filter.redstone.DefaultInputSignalFilter from NBT"
#5172 opened by katubug - 0
Alloy Smelter server console spam
#5173 opened by jkrumpholc - 0
Redstone Conduit stay on without Input Signal
#5171 opened by ThePixelbrain - 7
Modpacks that have EnderIO wont load
#5175 opened by Cleway - 11
[1.12.2]Rejecting connection SERVER: Ender IO: Failed mod's custom NetworkCheckHandler
#5177 opened by TTVInfernalKontrol - 12
[Fatal recipe error]
#5178 opened by minimaxou31 - 1
Elytra upgrade Bugs
#5179 opened by tyler489 - 1
Powered Spawner config removed?
#5180 opened by LichtHund - 3
Change recipe machine file but won't load
#5181 opened - 1
Tinkers Construct and EnderIO Conflict
#5176 opened by Wackywee - 5
runtime exception
#5183 opened by 3269199948 - 1
game crashes when adding Basic Fluid Filter, while redstone conduit is connected.
#5182 opened by Its-treason - 4
Limited Item Filter Suggestion
#5184 opened by Xyrys - 0
Inhibitor Obelisk is not working correctly
#5185 opened by Its-treason - 7
Enderio vibrant capacitor banks only output what there receiving input is
#5186 opened by Josh65-2201 - 4
[Question] Armor Upgrade Configuration
#5187 opened by 0xlsca - 4
EnderIO Zoo - No Such Method Error
#5188 opened by 0rangeFox - 2
Mystical Argiculture
#5189 opened by Notlucky101 - 3
NoClassDefFoundError: ../BlockFluidEnder
#5190 opened by Prasodym - 5
Ender IO 5.0.50 freezes game
#5191 opened by LuciusV - 2
Question: Is it possible to add a config option to disable the charged weapons as loot?
#5194 opened by SirAron111 - 13
Mod Leggings with Speed decrease FOV
#5195 opened by N1ch0l2s - 0
- 1
Killer Joe Crash
#5193 opened by ClashofJustYT - 3
EnderIO Crashing
#5199 opened by IKindaLikeDogsALittleBit - 2
More conduits
#5200 opened by Smario9000 - 30
Many items no longer go into armor inventory that used to including non-inventories
#5201 opened by choekstr - 2
Apiarist's Shoes Dark Steel Upgrade is uncraftable
#5196 opened by YuRaNnNzZZ - 1
Powered Spawners spawn entities immediately after being picked up and replaced next to a power source, regardless of progress
#5198 opened by bool3max - 0
Ender IO crash on adding filter to item/redstone conduit
#5202 opened by Syrchalis - 2
FTB Infinity Evolved Crash because of EnderIO/AppliedEnergistics
#5203 opened by spookydascary24 - 5
1.12.2 Server Randomly Crashes, Ender IO Error Spam in Log
#5204 opened by Caaruzo - 0
Caught exception from Ender IO Integration with Tinkers' Construct (enderiointegrationticlate)
#5205 opened by EnderKing101rs - 3
Redstone Conduit issues
#5206 opened by PolyacovYury