- 2
Need a Fallen Knight of the texture
#225 opened by WinterGeneralIsTheBest - 4
Don't you know about mods made by others?
#224 opened by wuligeshou - 1
1.19 Is there any hope?
#223 opened - 3
My god, I've had at the end of this scold EnderZoo! This is the stupidest thing I ever did. I'm really sorry, very, very sorry...
#222 opened by wuligeshou - 1
I made a mistake,sorry
#221 opened by wuligeshou - 0
I'm sorry, I want to take back my stupid speech
#220 opened by wuligeshou - 0
Need a Fallen Knight of the texture
#219 opened - 0
Shovel from Tinker's Construct in the offhand causes Khndrel Keght spawn
#218 opened by psxlover - 1
Khndrel Keght Spawning despite proper tool?
#217 opened by Vercalos - 2
Crash my server
#216 opened by SeagalKru - 0
Disabling Spawn of Ender Zoo Mobs Not Working
#215 opened by ChillyTiger - 0
Ender IO Crash Report
#214 opened by gifmeabreak - 2
onPotionRegister doesn't check if floating potion is disabled
#213 opened by noobanidus - 1
Duping conduits
#212 opened by DrTreehugger - 1
Storage Blocks Not Visible In Inventory
#211 opened by KittenKoder - 0
Custom Pack Crash
#210 opened by Aegisix - 1
Wrench Bug
#209 opened by Zandrassen91 - 0
Farming station cross mod interaction causing game crash's
#208 opened by Deathbefordecaf - 2
Unable to disable ender zoo mobs in Tropicraft dimension
#207 opened by Lewimaron - 5
WitherArrow Enchantment Off-Hand Interaction
#206 opened by znxster - 0
Feature request: disable EnderZoo in The Aether II by default
#205 opened by KollinsPlays - 2
Khndrel Keght config option?
#204 opened by KollinsPlays - 0
[Typo] Config Comments Lists Dire Slime Medium Spawn Chance Twice
#203 opened by EnderofGames - 1
[1.7.10] Server Crash CME - crazypants.enderzoo.entity.EntityFallenKnight.func_70636_d
#202 opened by ProsperCraft - 4
Request - Please split conduits to a separate mod
#201 opened by IamStig - 2
[Suggestion] Add Journeymap icons for mobs
#200 opened by maham - 0
[1.12.2] EnderZoo stops Statistics from loading
#199 opened by SSyl - 3
[1.12.2] Ticking Entity Crash with FallenKnight
#198 opened by Morpheus1101 - 1
[Bug] SAG Mill creates woodpulp from sand.
#197 opened by iCHKIM - 4
Owls get hurt flying under trees
#196 opened by SSyl - 1
Spawning in the Twilight Forest
#195 opened by belathus - 4
Crash w/ latest 1.10.2 version (v1.2.3.44)
#194 opened by TheCorinthians - 0
Ticking Entity Crashes
#193 opened by InterPlay02 - 2
Request: Conduits compatible with Cooking For Blockheads' Cow in a Jar
#192 opened by RepoDraghon - 0
(1.12.1, server) Poof! crashes.
#191 opened by Migmag789 - 3
EnderZoo server crash. (1.12.1-1.4.0
#190 opened by HootlingMC - 0
[1.12] Enchantments have broken localization
#189 opened by TheLimePixel - 5
[1.12.1] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
#188 opened by carif - 1
Server crash on startup -java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.world.biome.Biome.func_185359
#186 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
EnderZoo-1.12.1- for MC 1.12
#185 opened by Pilad - 0
#183 opened by Zabofel - 1
Fallen mount crash
#180 opened by averageusage - 1
[QUESTION] Can you disable say passive mobs via the XML?
#179 opened by Redlotus99 - 2
Errors in the background
#178 opened by LordMortus - 2
[Suggestion] Let the Khendal Knight drop Dirt instead of MagmaCream
#177 opened by inxomnyaa - 1
[Suggestion] Make the WitherCat tameable
#176 opened by inxomnyaa - 0
Owl sounds not playing in 1.11.2
#174 opened by Lothrazar - 4
No Any Mob Spawns Except Khndrel Keght
#173 opened - 1
Khndrel Keght takes Normal Damage when Hit by Sword
#172 opened by Imnuts7 - 1
Server crashes infrequently, eventually crashes upon client connection. Disabling mods stops crash.
#170 opened by azmataz23