- 4
[1.18] Flashing black screen regardless of required settings being switched off
#80 opened by Ghostcrafter090 - 6
#81 opened by megumann - 1
Crash after a death under water
#82 opened by Finelarme9 - 1
[1.18.1] ToughAsNail Support
#83 opened by Camawama - 4
Crash when trying to load on server
#86 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 1
White rectangle appears on screen with explosive damage
#84 opened by JetpackRescue - 1
Visual Bug
#85 opened by LightHallows - 1
Configs Saturation needs comment
#88 opened by Laifsyn - 8
These blood can eventually make you blind.
#89 opened by vrgtics - 1
incompatible with carpet mod
#90 opened by SouthernPixelYT - 3
Crash after creeper explosion.
#91 opened by rokoblox - 1
Minor incompatibility with IguanaTweaks Reborn
#94 opened by Jitreq - 0
Crashes on launch
#93 opened by TheaRTGGaming - 1
[Question]How can I localize all the deathMessages of enhancedvisual.json
#95 opened by Kasualix - 13
Bug with water blur
#96 opened by TheSexyYeti - 1
your 1.19 mods doesnt work
#97 opened by HappyPlaysFeet - 1
Crash report 1.19
#98 opened by HappyPlaysFeet - 1
Color slowly desaturates to black and white?
#100 opened by DarklightDreamer - 1
SUGGESTION: Vision blur transitioning from dark interior to bright exterior
#99 opened by TheSexyYeti - 8
Blood is white
#101 opened by JupiterboyLuffy - 1
[1.18.2]Crash in overworld
#102 opened by OcrSu - 5
FancyMenu Incompatibility
#103 opened by thrasosc - 3
When entering water or getting to low hearts this weird "symbol" appears.
#104 opened by Aerhtjiz - 1
Low HP effects will still play even if max health is reduced.
#105 opened by Kokonico - 1
effects stuck on upper-left corner
#106 opened by owosoup - 3
the blood does not appear on the screen when I use the First Aid mod
#107 opened by JoshivaYzair - 5
When using sodium,the screen goes dark when the screen blurs
#108 opened by NicoTheIdiot - 2
You fixed the scaling, but now other mod's scaling is broken
#109 opened by DeshiDesu - 5
The scaling is fixed, but now the GUI is flipped
#110 opened by DeshiDesu - 2
Is this required on server?
#111 opened by TheeMrCheeky - 2
Weird issue when changing some settings.
#112 opened by DBPT210 - 2
Death Message Bug
#113 opened by bunnypause - 6
Compatiblty with Thirst Was Taken
#114 opened by Blunder-G - 8
(Suggestion) Rain/Leaving water droplets
#115 opened by GibbyGibbon - 0
`MixinTargetAlreadyLoadedException: Critical problem: enhancedvisuals.mixins.json:EntityAccessor target was loaded too early.`
#116 opened by SettingDust - 1
1.20 fabric not working (v1.6.4)
#117 opened by Arrocha08 - 1
[Suggestion] Wizard Staff effects
#66 opened - 1
Body temperture static.
#67 opened by Taknax - 1
Explosion sound suppression regulation
#68 opened by MrJakob99 - 2
#69 opened by axalox - 2
[1.16.4/5] Sound muting interferes with Dynamic Surroundings volume scaling
#70 opened by OreCruncher - 2
Game crash on config screen
#71 opened by Hsinyao99 - 1
[1.16.5] ToughAsNails Support?
#72 opened by Camawama - 1
Keep getting this crash with the new version. EnhancedVisuals_v1.3.26_mc1.16.5.jar
#73 opened by Cr4fTJuNkiE - 1
1.12.2 incompat. with Sound Physics
#74 opened - 1
Client/Server hangs when dying from void damage.
#75 opened by CrazyContraption - 1
Provide build files?
#76 opened by eDexiam - 2
EnhancedVisuals (enhancedvisuals) has Encountered an Error During the Common_Setup Event Phase
#77 opened by Coraline77447 - 1
Casting trident to potion causes crash
#78 opened by Angular-Angel - 5
EnhancedVisuals has class loading errors
#79 opened by Kapil205