- 1
[Bug|Crash]: Crash | I have no idea why it crashes
#1703 opened by ShrekDominator - 1
[Bug|Crash]: Vanilla attack and I don't do damage
#1704 opened by JustYourGithubUser - 2
[Bug|Crash]: Server not booting with epic fight installed
#1692 opened by HypnoticChris - 2
[Bug|Crash]: Crash while in-game
#1693 opened by lartts - 2
[Bug|Crash]: probably forge installer problem
#1694 opened by Yordai - 2
Entity Scaling Issue
#1696 opened by JonasL0430 - 4
Crash: : Game Crash When Dual Wielding Great Swords Against Lord of Sorcery in Dawncraft Echoes of Legend
#1695 opened by Talionius - 2
[Bug|Crash]: The server crashes because of ravager animations
#1698 opened by Nurb78 - 2
[Bug|Crash]: Photon and Epic Fight incompatibility
#1697 opened by HypnoticChris - 2
#1700 opened by Cinnamon42 - 2
[Bug|Crash]: Cannot invoke "yesman.epicfight.client.ClientEngine.isBattleMode()" because the return value of "yesman.epicfight.client.ClientEngine.getInstance()" is null
#1699 opened by ZekerZhayard - 9
[Bug|Crash]: Game crashed!
#1701 opened by AudioHackerZ - 1
Epic fight mod and addons failing to load
#1702 opened by Guram0n - 3
[Bug|Crash]: Steel Whirlwind Crashing other nearby clients
#1705 opened by Rxnzo - 1
[Bug|Crash]: Ticking Player - PlayerPatch.getStamina(
#1706 opened by Mikaaah - 0
#1707 opened by Plichu - 2
[Bug|Crash]: Epic Fight acting up? Need help
#1708 opened by Axisiser - 3
#1709 opened by StratCube2 - 1
- 9
[Bug|Crash]: Epic Fight (epicfight) has failed to load correctly
#1711 opened by HoyoshiShounen - 0
[Suggestion]: Roleplay Commands and Game rules
#1712 opened by TeddyBear-YT - 0
[Bug]: Invincibility
#1713 opened by TheLunares - 4
[Bug|Crash]: The new weapon types created are not changing their attributes
#1726 opened by qVoidreaver - 2
[Bug]: Datapacks showing incorrect values
#1717 opened by faerheart - 2
[Bug|Crash]: Ticking entity
#1718 opened by KinoaKizuto - 2
[Crash]: Trying to render player model in Datapack Editor after loading from previous save causes game crash.
#1719 opened by Raccffy - 1
#1720 opened by goldrichman9Modded - 1
[Crash]: Exporting datapack with invalid Windows filename causes game crash.
#1721 opened by Raccffy - 1
[Bug]: Cannot vertically move datapack menus by dragging scroll bars.
#1722 opened by Raccffy - 2
[Bug]: Save warning appears, even if nothing was changed.
#1723 opened by Raccffy - 1
[Bug]: Ender Dragon's area effect breath is untranslated.
#1724 opened by Raccffy - 2
[Bug]: OpenGL debug message spam in console when use_animation_shader is true
#1725 opened by DeshiDesu - 1
[Suggestion|Bug|Mod Support]: Custom Maps do not Preview Maps despite Map Animation being Active
#1714 opened by AriaElidove - 2
Friendly fire not deactivated
#1715 opened by A-misterious-tapir - 2
[Bug|Crash]: Datapack of Ender dragon cause game issue
#1716 opened by ShenxPresent - 2
[Bug|Crash]: The game crashed whilst unexpected error. Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Mesh destroyed
#1727 opened by zank8151 - 1
[Bug|Crash]: WoM: Failed to register automatic subscribers. ModID: wom, class reascer.wom.main.WeaponsOfMinecraft org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.MixinTransformerError: An unexpected critical error was encountered
#1729 opened by P-Michalski - 1
[Bug]: Selecting certain colliders in Weapon Type causes error message to appear.
#1730 opened by Raccffy - 1
[Bug]: Dialog box does not make things in the background inactive.
#1731 opened by Raccffy - 1
[Bug]: Dragging scroll bar in dropdown menus is broken.
#1732 opened by Raccffy - 1
[Bug]: Reloading resources in the middle of moving skill performance disables skill movement.
#1733 opened by Raccffy - 13
[error] intellij client problem
#1734 opened by M6FGR - 2
[Bug|Crash]: Guandao Moveset causing crash
#1735 opened by Nathan2347u809789 - 1
#1736 opened by goldrichman9Modded - 0
[Bug|Crash]: Font texts missing from updating mod.
#1737 opened by Niconoko - 4
[Bug]: Auto right-click/interaction when looking at some Create Mod blocks after latest updates
#1739 opened by ElectricLithuanian - 5
[Crash]: Enity rendering crash
#1740 opened by goldrichman9Modded - 3
[Bug|Crash]: The game crashed whilst mouseclicked event handler Error
#1738 opened by SniperGuy1113 - 2
[Crash]: Wom Time travel crash + curios items suddenly showing up when they previously did not
#1741 opened by FuryJack07 - 2
[Bug|Crash]: The player's head disappears when they attack.
#1742 opened by xfgj