- 2
Unstable work with SoundPhysics
#73 opened by GitJhopa - 0
Villagers twitch their legs in bed when they dance
#72 opened by GitJhopa - 0
Mod "Etched" and mod "Anchor" are not compatibly. (1.19.2)
#69 opened by Father-Tulip - 14
Memory leak, hard freezes and FPS lags.
#68 opened by GitJhopa - 6
Client crash during game initialization.
#67 opened by tacogerbil - 0
Villagers don't take bard professions
#66 opened by thelegitdolt - 2
Music is always tagged as Custom Music
#65 opened by GitJhopa - 1
Etched + Sound Physics Remastered = bug?
#64 opened by GitJhopa - 1
[Forge] Null player in PlayerInteractEvent
#62 opened by LeanDot5996 - 3
Server crashes when right-clicking
#61 opened by lbgs - 0
audio file gets cut
#59 opened by SniffSniff125 - 3
Unsupported Content-Type: audio/mpeg; charset=UTF8
#58 opened by PTALTS-LK - 1
Mixin apply failed etched-common.mixins.json:SoundEventAccessor.
#57 opened by MarbleGateKeeper - 1
Not compatible with Net Music
#56 opened by hhhfsj - 1
2.2.0 can work on client but not work on same mod server
#55 opened by lsxf000 - 2
Crash with Fabric & Quilt
#54 opened by rsp4jack - 0
#53 opened by 5ur3z - 3
Radio block seemingly incompatible with TuneIn Radio stations
#52 opened by SamHammie - 1
Incompatibility with Carry On and the Portal Radio
#51 opened by SamHammie - 1
Remove validation of url's validity
#50 opened by Andy-Chuck - 9
Crash on startup with Etched installed
#49 opened by complicitsalami - 2
Villagers dance while asleep
#48 opened by thelegitdolt - 0
Missing Minable axe tags (1.18.2 forge)
#47 opened by thelegitdolt - 1
Client crash with villager
#46 opened by TheMaskedGamer06 - 2
Game Crash when playing a jukebox near a villager
#44 opened by curryducker - 1
Server Crash with boombox/album cover
#43 opened by TheMaskedGamer06 - 1
Crash on Client bootup
#41 opened by TheMaskedGamer06 - 2
Missing Something
#40 opened by ardissaps - 1
Missing Something
#39 opened by ardissaps - 0
titles of audio retrieved from bandcamp does not display apostrophes correctly
#35 opened by NyanMC - 4
Server Crashes with etched
#34 opened by TheMaskedGamer06 - 1
Disc fails to dowload
#33 opened by Oakgear - 1
[1.16.5] Etched crashes with Forge 36.2.39 (mixin failure).
#31 opened by Vaelzan - 3
Soundcloud music do not play if it's private
#30 opened by VanderCat - 1
Safe mode
#28 opened by HalfBakedA - 1
Weird url behaviour
#23 opened by LastImmort - 19
Jukebox do not play
#21 opened by rsp4jack - 0
#20 opened by y2k04 - 0
Jukebox Minecarts are stackable...
#19 opened by thelegitdolt - 1
Overpowered Bard Trades
#18 opened by thelegitdolt - 0
Plains bard house way too common
#17 opened by thelegitdolt - 0
Minecart with Jukebox missing localization
#16 opened by WenXin20 - 0
Using Arrays.asList does not allow further additions.
#14 opened by jaredlll08 - 0
Balance: Noteblocks worth too many emeralds?
#13 opened by ray-cw - 4
- 1
Server crash when ran with Castle In The Sky
#11 opened by FemBane - 1
Crash on startup
#10 opened by LocoPineapples - 1
Feature request:bandcamp support
#9 opened by f-raZ0R - 2
Jukebox doesn't stop playing.
#8 opened by COLDW0LF - 1
Etched crashes with optifiabric
#7 opened by MuhannadYT