- 2
Datapack path for default abilities
#235 opened by met4000 - 1
[1.20.1] Crash on server tick
#234 opened by MrKashew - 1
[1.20.1] Crash upon joining a created world
#233 opened by MrKashew - 1
totems do not appear in minecraft 1.20.1
#232 opened by alezhito18 - 4
in mc 1.20.1 totems in chest have "none" abilities
#231 opened by krjencik - 1
Game crashes when I move the ability from the bottle to me
#230 opened by IskallDoe - 5
I can't respawn
#229 opened by JorngHorse - 3
1.12 Incompatibility with UntouchedNature mod; disables flying upon being added to server
#228 opened by Arriochh - 2
Crash with IC2???
#227 opened by DragonMaster14545 - 1
Modified effect for the 'bad omen' ability
#226 opened by met4000 - 2
[1.19.2] Crash when using ender lead on bee
#225 opened by JaisDK - 3
DataPack Special Abilities
#224 opened by theolike - 9
Datapack path
#223 opened by theolike - 3
Can't join world after updating: net.minecraft.ReportedException: Loading entity NBT
#222 opened by aaronhowser1 - 0
Crafting three totems together crashes client - FTB Skies 1.0.6
#221 opened by AcidaliaP - 1
Default datapack path
#220 opened by theolike - 1
Player disconnect while creating single player world
#219 opened by SmallSansSerif - 4
Problems with online play
#218 opened by Stllcn233 - 2
night vision flicker timing issue
#217 opened by violetkitty87 - 2
some effects disappeared
#216 opened by 5uuiram - 5
crashing during startup
#215 opened by tony2013fl - 7
#214 opened by Sailorboi99 - 2
Booted by world/server when given operator permissions (cheats are enabled)
#213 opened by Xman102003 - 2
Adding entire mod to Friendlies config not protecting mobs of that mod
#212 opened by PurpleHel - 4
Changing config maxlevel to less than default does not work
#211 opened by Scarlet-Phonavis - 17
1.19.2 abilities spawning that are disabled in config.
#210 opened by PurpleHel - 2
Can i add other mobs from alexsmobs to the config?
#209 opened by Minecing - 1
How do I limit the amount of abilities someone can have equipped at a time?
#208 opened by KhojinKurusu - 3
Add new Effects via datapacks
#207 opened by Firemaster640 - 3
has failed to load correctly
#206 opened by krjencik - 4
mod conflict with Dark Paintings
#205 opened by MoonMoonShark - 2
Any way to disable players spawning with an Ability Bottle?
#204 opened by Z4RM - 2
invisibility blinks
#203 opened by krjencik - 2
Loot iD
#202 opened by DB-alfa - 2
Chance config
#201 opened by Eltigueur - 2
Every single equipped ability is lost on death
#200 opened by Erabior - 3
Unable to Remove Abilities From Character
#199 opened by Erabior - 1
Modify Number of abilites max
#197 opened by Paurcinet - 2
Nerf ot customize Regeneration
#196 opened by imeangay - 6
Bonemeal Totem
#195 opened by imeangay - 4
Weakness ability (from lv 1) makes some mobs (zombie, spider and enderman f.e.) deal no damage at all
#194 opened by LitChocoDonut - 2
Waterbreathing Ability Not Working
#193 opened by PhoenixExitium - 1
Flight not working with Create : Stuff Additions installed
#192 opened by ZEROX7 - 4
Bonemealer crashes game
#190 opened by hypercanetornado - 3
When combining totems it seems to always give me the same outcomes
#189 opened by OHQSaucey - 2
4 ea bottles in a chest
#188 opened by MasterQuentus - 3
Game crashed after using abilities
#187 opened by iShadowFrost - 5
Suggestion: Remove or Reapply all command
#186 opened by Iashar - 2
Crash when putting Bonemealer on with totem
#185 opened by hjpoe - 2
Became an Android, now all abilities constantly flash on/off.
#184 opened by AefRal