- 2
how do i delete this post
#2433 opened by n8m8101 - 2
Could not execute entrypoint stage 'client' due to errors, provided by 'toomanyorigins'!
#2468 opened by Raikazarashi - 1
Game crashed with error mouseClicked event handler
#2469 opened by Sekupas - 1
cant load black hole mod any help please?
#2442 opened by mariohany534 - 6
Biome api does not include overworld and 3D biomes
#2444 opened by Danjhop4 - 1
ClientChunkEvents.CHUNK_LOAD triggers before chunk biomes are fully initialized
#2455 opened by wefhy - 2
Please add packages to examples so new Java devs know what they need to import (no ide)
#2459 opened by Danjhop4 - 2
fabric-networking-api-v1 in fabricAPI causes Latest Fabric version to crash.
#2460 opened by 3pical - 0
Disconnected screen scissoring is incorrect on high-resolution displays
#2462 opened by haykam821 - 4
Fabric Minecraft keeps crashing with error code -1
#2463 opened by DogemanMC - 2
Fabric 1.19.2 "Chat message validation failure"
#2465 opened by HellFAF - 2
Exception Loop Error
#2467 opened by LOGICHACK - 2
Crash on startup
#2500 opened by KeeveeKoomoo - 1
Blockstates being requested too early
#2475 opened by Dandandooo - 2
Falling blocks cause game to crash
#2479 opened by EmiMango - 2
Mod xps uses the version 0.4.5.r_for_1.19.x_Fabric which isn't compatible with Loader's extended semantic version format
#2480 opened by purejosh - 3
20w14infinite appears to be a 1.17 version not a 1.16
#2481 opened by Danjhop4 - 0
Changing `FabricDimensions#teleport` behavior
#2482 opened by apple502j - 3
Fabric can't lanch: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors, provided by 'fabric-networking-api-v1'!
#2491 opened by pengtao6993 - 4
Could not execute entrypoint stage 'main' due to errors, provided by 'fabric-networking-api-v1'!
#2494 opened by Colaskink - 2
Failed to run data generator - "Missing blockstate definitions" for every block in mod.
#2495 opened by devvoid - 3
#2501 opened by Waitner98 - 4
sounds.json and lang.json support in fabric-data-generation-api-v1
#2503 opened by moltenwolfcub - 2
Bewitchment not working on Fabric 1.16
#2517 opened by AkumaUrufu - 1
not install genSources
#2520 opened by ayoubslama123 - 5
(Request) Behavior change to FluidStorageUtil#interactWithFluidStorage
#2522 opened by Luligabi1 - 1
"Standard" format for fluid stack serialization
#2524 opened by Technici4n - 2
Backport the "fabric-api" ID/alias
#2527 opened by Madis0 - 0
#2536 opened by Dovi0123 - 2
Custom crafting does not work for modded items
#2537 opened by Danjhop4 - 0
Disable default item helmet rendering if the item has a custom ArmorRenderer
#2541 opened by Juuxel - 1
Does Fabric natively support the M1 arm64 architecture?
#2543 opened by valentinegb - 4
fabric-api-0.5.7+build.2-20w14infinite.jar works not; only "1.16-alpha.20.13.inf" found instead of "1.16-20.w.14"
#2546 opened by GuykannTschjov - 1
Add `item_registered` Resource Condition
#2548 opened by Technici4n - 6
Add Entity Death Event ideally with source of the death
#2551 opened by MichaelHillcox - 0
Resource conditions can't be used for block loot table datagen
#2552 opened by MattiDragon - 7
Rework resource reloader API
#2577 opened by Technici4n - 5
1.18.2 custom items for crafting that do not get deleted in the process
#2570 opened by Abalieno - 4
Suggested changes to common biome tags
#2572 opened by Veraxiel - 1
Weird console output
#2609 opened by XNarno - 2
Fabric is not Vanilla
#2592 opened by chyzman - 2
Could not execute entrypoint stage 'client' due to errors, provided by 'byg'
#2596 opened by Nyxnius - 2
A way to sort mod items in creative tabs.
#2597 opened by BasicallyIAmFox - 0
An Event that Triggers on a Block Place but after the world registers the block is there
#2598 opened by ZestyBlaze - 0
Model Unwrapping API
#2600 opened by PepperCode1 - 3
Item group modifications affect the inventory item group
#2603 opened by haykam821 - 1
Failed to launch game with openjdk
#2604 opened by CoderTCY - 0
Multiple modules sometimes share the same package
#2616 opened by Juuxel - 3
1.19.2 crash during startup: Could not execute entrypoint stage 'client' due to errors
#2620 opened by KB-Q - 1
Vulkan API and FidelityFX Super Resolution (Performance x2)
#2621 opened by LiberteIV