- 1
Block load filling causes huge lag in the server
#60 opened by xingchengs - 1
request about jetpacks
#53 opened by abysschroma - 1
sealed fluid duct
#52 opened by abysschroma - 4
Why the hell does lung cancer not go away after death
#54 opened by Logic242 - 2
Suggestion: Water Shielding and Cherenkov for Rad Blocks
#56 opened by xenoulexi - 1
never make dfc with shaders on
#57 opened by abysschroma - 1
Bug: RBMK steam channels not accepting water
#58 opened by xenoulexi - 10
Suggestion: Nuclear winter and their subtypes
#59 opened by username90001 - 0
#65 opened by NyanCat233 - 4
Is there any way to modify the heat diffusion of RBMKs?
#66 opened by xenoulexi - 1
Exothermic bombs not melting snow blocks
#61 opened by abysschroma - 1
The modid was repeated with the modid of HarderBranchMining-1.12.2-
#62 opened by HJXArthurAtlas - 0
Suggestion: Rad proof Rooms in Rad Dimensions
#63 opened by abysschroma - 1
For some reason crates disappear when mined and lose their inventory if you rotate them with a Thermal series cresecent hammer...
#73 opened by xenoulexi - 0
Version 1.9.0 breaks compatibility with Mystical Agriculture
#69 opened by Spookysaw - 1
Reinforced Ducrete is misspelled
#70 opened by Spookysaw - 5
Suggestions: Please add compat with Crafttweaker
#71 opened by eterraria - 1
For some reason tennessine gets deleted from the cyclotron if you don't speffically run it in the middle orange slot.
#67 opened by xenoulexi - 1
Proper inputs for machines
#68 opened by Spookysaw - 1
suggestion: adding a block to convert HE to RF?
#77 opened by TheRealAaronPrince - 3
Controling old turrets and replacing to new ones cause crash
#75 opened by IqwqI1604 - 1
Suggestion: Update the Chicago Pile to make Reactor Grade Plutonium
#76 opened by Spookysaw - 1
Cooling tower does not place
#82 opened by Jmanfloppy - 1
Suggestion: Big Boy Turrets
#78 opened by xinghuan2hao - 0
The small turrets target me even though I am using ai chips
#79 opened by syned31 - 2
Compatibility suggestion for mods that are not supported by default
#80 opened by NikoGameing - 1
RF to HE converter power limit issue
#81 opened by HighQGithub - 1
the new merged performance changes lessen max stack size in assembly machines and chemical plants
#84 opened by Demantier - 1
Cascading worldgen lag?
#83 opened by michlbro - 2
SpeedForce (SpeedsterHeroes) and HBMEE have a weird compatibility crash
#85 opened by EmeraldTheUmbrI - 3
Suggestion: Doc of the OC RBMK API prettyy pllssss
#86 opened by DoYouThinkImNotExperiencedUser - 1
Depth iron ore turns into gold in the crystallizer
#87 opened by jet-rain - 1
Hazmat/Liquidator suits not providing *any* gas or airborne particle protection
#88 opened by Delta9and3 - 1
DFC is not working
#90 opened by ArkhamHedler - 1
Incorrrect Pumpjack animations
#89 opened by jet-rain - 2
Crash on world load
#91 opened by MAX2136 - 1
Geiger counter sounds bug
#92 opened by Biberius228 - 2
Bug: Gas Te Recursion Overflow
#97 opened by Sora-Comic - 1
crash when connecting to server
#98 opened by Castanea43 - 2
Version 1.9.4.a big doors dont stay open with buttons
#93 opened by Njet75 - 1
Multiblocks missing from Multiblock Structure Marker
#95 opened by Juff-Ma - 0
Suggestion: Make AMS great again
#96 opened by Juff-Ma - 1
Missing frozen log texture
#99 opened by ComradeDelta123 - 3
you get rads in spectator mode
#100 opened by jesuschrist4202 - 1
shovels dont dig radioactive dirt/sand/etc faster
#101 opened by jesuschrist4202 - 1
Bug: the infinite fluid barrel gets radiation when holding any radioactive items
#102 opened by idontkn0wman - 6
crash when going to/teleporting to a specific area sometimes
#103 opened by jesuschrist4202 - 1
Not custom missiles dont load chunks
#104 opened by jesuschrist4202 - 1
A universal particle limit is need to prevent server crashing/extreme lag
#105 opened by jesuschrist4202 - 1
Server crashes immediately when tau grenade explodes
#106 opened by jesuschrist4202