- 1
screwdriver dupe
#465 opened by LobotomyEnjoyer - 3
Chemical plants don't seem to output fluid post-rework
#464 opened by thePalindrome - 2
[tooltip issue] Fuel rod tooltips for Nuker furnace out-of-date
#463 opened by Shibva - 6
Asphalt makes mobs fast but only makes me hungry
#462 opened by thePalindrome - 1
Coated Pipes Doesn't Connect To RBMK Steam Channel
#461 opened by datboiiskool - 8
Long-range missile launch
#460 opened by CastomStrange - 8
power net cause a lot of lag in server
#459 opened by sdddddf80 - 2
Coated fluid pipes not working
#458 opened by tueszay - 7
Null issue , Ignore
#457 opened by Shibva - 2
[enhancment] HBM keybinds break other keybinds binded to keys
#456 opened by Shibva - 4
[New WoMD Idea] Co-ode Blu, a "Special" Nuke
#454 opened by Shibva - 2
[enhancment]Opencomputer hooks for tanks
#453 opened by Shibva - 3
Cooling towers are not working
#452 opened by LobotomyEnjoyer - 2
#450 opened by Shibva - 5
Li-Ion Energy Storage Block "truncates" energy inside
#449 opened by laurynasl - 19
Stable Auastralium RBMK reactor goes critical after rejoining [possable solution(s) to RBMK criticality when rejoining worlds]
#447 opened by Shibva - 5
[enchancement] RBMK fuel loader/unloading Indicator on console render
#446 opened by Shibva - 6
[Enhancement] Secondary Hand drill use, drill into specific Blocsk
#445 opened by Shibva - 1
Plastic darts are yielding average universal fluid tank.
#444 opened by LobotomyEnjoyer - 3
Burnt Bark
#443 opened by datboiiskool - 1
[reminder] I think I just found out what you were forgetting
#440 opened by Shibva - 2
Fluid ID Recycling returns stacks of plates
#439 opened by Vaern - 0
Solid Rocket Fuel Production Template Texture Outdated
#437 opened by datboiiskool - 1
Crash with hopper and base factory core component
#436 opened by luckybl0ck - 14
HE->RF converter doesn't seem to consume HE
#435 opened by thePalindrome - 2
Electric Boiler potential sync issue?
#433 opened by SoB1nary - 16
[Statement - Please read] For "Uncle Bob"
#432 opened by Shibva - 2
server crash report ยท RF-HE
#431 opened by LSK-LW - 0
Crash after entering the server
#428 opened by LSK-LW - 1
Liquefactor turn coal to fluid coal oil
#423 opened by SannUlya - 3
Renewable Energy Generation
#422 opened by datboiiskool - 2
Putting invalid item into liquefactor cause game crash.
#421 opened by C4885 - 4
How to use FEL and SILEX
#418 opened by SannUlya - 2
Light Gray Concrete in NEI, but not craftable
#417 opened by thePalindrome - 2
Some Odd Radiation
#416 opened by VeiTheOne - 3
how big is the chance to get lodestone?
#414 opened by SannUlya - 1
Electric press exploded suddenly
#413 opened by SannUlya - 2
#411 opened by The-Quarker - 6
impossible to build
#409 opened by ApexElite3303 - 4
[suggestion]wuold u like to add a Liquid Concrete in 1.7.10( just like IE in 1.12.2)?
#408 opened by iamsoNewBee - 6
Generates a large number of warning logs per second.
#407 opened by LSK-LW - 0
Big as* tank showing broken liquid logo
#405 opened by SannUlya - 0
Shift-Clicking into breeding reactor crashes game
#404 opened by RedstoneForces1 - 5
How to use a debug wand?
#403 opened by datboiiskool - 0
Server Crash Report
#402 opened by LSK-LW - 1
How to activated doRTGsDecay
#401 opened by SannUlya - 1
HBM will overlay Optifine's sky map
#400 opened by mcmso - 20
Fog Causes HUGE amounts of lag
#399 opened - 1
Radar Monitor
#398 opened by Leon130409 - 3
The new cables ruined DFC
#397 opened by P3tux0