- 1
#1231 opened by BlitzFan1209 - 9
The cooling tower.
#1232 opened by Maulment - 3
I looked into the arc. MY BALLS ARE GONE
#1227 opened by DB4000K - 1
Crash (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException)
#1228 opened by kotmatross28729 - 1
#1157 opened by AVASSON - 2
#1148 opened by Skyliner77 - 2
Can't load up minecraft
#1150 opened by NightBasil32671 - 4
(suggestion) turbine needs lubricant, control rod color
#1149 opened by Ade0924 - 13
DFC bug?
#1153 opened by BloomerBro - 3
A config for all condenser types to need water input
#1155 opened by Ade0924 - 1
Deuterium conversion rate too low?
#1154 opened by calhanna - 4
the game closes upon opening chemical plant
#1156 opened by Bencek123 - 2
Paintable Red Copper Cable glitches with Grass Block
#1178 opened by coolestkid91021 - 5
[Question/Bug] Got infinite PTSD effect from blowing a nuke
#1180 opened by Skyliner77 - 1
guide book
#1162 opened by xiaolizi558855 - 3
Problems with custom machines
#1167 opened by MCNaOtlichnoYT - 1
[Mod compatibility] Vampire enchantment, ironically, causes Vampire players from Witchery to die without dropping a grave (openblocks)
#1168 opened by penguin-glitch - 2
[Suggestion] Config option to limit shackle death preventions
#1169 opened by penguin-glitch - 6
PWR operation glitches
#1171 opened by TheChosenIndividual - 2
Bedrock oil ore
#1172 opened by di127 - 3
When will the 1.16.5 version be released?
#1176 opened by Vintsmen - 5
Radioactive Barrel causes extreme TPS lag
#1196 opened by gengyunmaster - 2
Redcoil Capacitor can not be output from Schrabidium Transmutation Device
#1187 opened by gengyunmaster - 15
How can i calculate incoming flux for the RBMK?
#1189 opened by TheChosenIndividual - 3
Nukes from hbm’s ntm cant render properly if you are too far away
#1194 opened by FartasticYYZ - 7
Extreme FPS Loss in certain GUI
#1203 opened by Iamjusthereforthegames - 2
Suggestion/Improvement: Various QOL Changes.
#1204 opened by Howdidibreakit - 1
Uncraftable BEL shells.
#1197 opened by rattlemebones1 - 4
Power detector isn't working.
#1198 opened by rattlemebones1 - 7
Please add config option to return old nuke explosion
#1200 opened by iocmet - 14
Ground Feedwater pump breaks reactor thermodynamic cycles
#1201 opened by TheChosenIndividual - 3
[Question] How can i change NTM fluid temperatures and heat capacity?
#1205 opened by TheChosenIndividual - 4
No depleted uranium and thorium rods
#1202 opened by wiktorux1 - 0
Very little soot is created
#1212 opened by TheVitya2127 - 2
fluid tank anihhilates fluid
#1206 opened by username228a91 - 4
The wordgen menu button "generate structures" cannot disable the generation of structures from this mod
#1209 opened by Maksymisio - 6
greg causes a crash when delivering a resource crate
#1211 opened by TheVitya2127 - 1
Nuclear Missile (ICBM) crashes game.
#1210 opened by unbreakify - 1
Dupe explosives with bomb defusing device
#1224 opened by kotmatross28729 - 3
Desh pickaxe / basic reactor
#1225 opened by Bstsv - 1
Crash with the containment box
#1226 opened by MCNaOtlichnoYT - 13
Custom machines dont accept firebricks as building materials
#1213 opened by TheChosenIndividual - 1
Schrabidium explosions break bedrock ores in the most bottom layer of the world.
#1214 opened by TeslaP09 - 0
#1216 opened by CREEPERBOY585 - 3
#1217 opened by CREEPERBOY585 - 0
Item I/O For Cyclotron
#1218 opened by OlorinIV - 2
Custom machine anchor registers block placement wrongly
#1219 opened by TheChosenIndividual - 1
Customized machine output items with NBT of probability
#1220 opened by sdddddf80 - 1
#1223 opened by CREEPERBOY585 - 1
#1222 opened by CREEPERBOY585