- 1
Allow linking of portals with different aspect ratios
#873 opened by L1lith - 1
Support Portal Masks
#874 opened by L1lith - 0
Glowing effect isnt rendered when a portal is rendered
#876 opened by NotSoEpic - 0
Cross-portal block placement direction abnormal
#875 opened by mapleSyrup982 - 3
Gravity Changer Compat
#877 opened by ParasiticSquid - 2
[minor_change] Use "fuseView" for stacked dimension portal in nether.
#878 opened by SaberShip - 1
Incompatibility with AdventureZ
#853 opened by T3CHNERD - 4
idk what to title this...
#849 opened by akselbuch - 4
Alternate dimensions' sky are black when using with Iris
#850 opened by qouteall - 0
Scale box rendering abnormal with complementary shader
#857 opened by qouteall - 1
Having multiple portals (3-4+) in FOV causes significant drop in framerate.
#858 opened by Hurrikane-Nexus - 0
World border is not clipped
#859 opened by Hurrikane-Nexus - 2
Nether Portal Spread Incompatibility
#860 opened by JRMensa - 2
Wall clipping
#861 opened by YumatanGames - 0
Flicker with Lamb dynamic lights
#863 opened by qouteall - 2
GUI Rendering issue with Iris
#862 opened by qouteall - 2
Most Recent Imm Ptl version crashes stand alone on 16.5
#864 opened by ranenvious - 5
Chests and bed
#854 opened by brisingr01 - 1
Cant hear noises through the portals?
#855 opened by guythomas27 - 1
Incompatibility with Physics Mods Pro by haubna (Kind of)
#856 opened by xSaVageAU - 2
#872 opened by MrFire24 - 2
Crash with Lithium
#866 opened by bleonard252 - 3
Any text gets deleted
#867 opened by Hobo-Ex - 4
[suggestion] make nether portal overlay client-side
#868 opened by wouu - 3
ambient light and time don't render correctly in custom dimensions
#869 opened by wouu - 1
allow data driven portals to have custom particles [suggestion]
#871 opened by wouu - 2
1.18 with Pehkui
#898 opened by BirBop - 0
Scale box with large scale invisible from far away
#880 opened by qouteall - 15
Crashing due to "Accessing PalettedContainer from multiple threads"
#881 opened by Ynaught - 0
GC monitor abnormally report memory not enough with ZGC
#882 opened by qouteall - 3
Minimum camera depth doesn't scale in scaled portals causing see-through-blocks glitch
#883 opened by ImSpaceLover - 2
[Fabric][1.17.1] Crash with Iris-starline when shader is disabled
#884 opened by DerLeole - 1
Incompatible with Replay mod
#885 opened by qouteall - 5
looking at mirrors and portals makes water in the world visible through solid blocks
#886 opened by PowerMilian - 1
incompatible with optifine g8
#887 opened by yeete183 - 1
Crash with Sodium 0.3.3 on 1.17
#888 opened by LizIsTired - 5
Not compatible with Sodium 0.3.3
#889 opened by coderbot16 - 2
crash when I enter an portal with size difference and on F5 mode
#891 opened by kenzo11t - 2
Game crashes when I enter different scaled portals
#892 opened by HappyAlexRomania - 1
crashes when going into a scaled portal
#893 opened by QuibopWon - 2
[v0.33-1.17] Snow renders through mirrors when it should be blocked off
#895 opened by EeveeEuphoria - 2
Mod crashes 1.18 on startup
#894 opened by y2k04 - 9
When I go through portals my items in my hotbar and creative menu go invisible???
#840 opened by MrMean4191 - 1
it crashed i press get link and this is what the crashed was
#839 opened by Zahmir2412 - 3
Fabric is unsupported. You read that right.
#841 opened by piousminion - 1
Significant FPS Drop
#842 opened by StealthMeister1 - 2
Crash loading portal
#844 opened by cootshk - 0
Incompatible with MCXR
#845 opened by qouteall - 0
Dimension Stack button rendering
#847 opened by GrangerTheDog - 2
Chests, signs, banners, shulker boxes etc appearing and disappearing
#846 opened by ELRATO313