- 4
Joining a World
#1 opened by Mattabase - 3
Passive creature control
#2 opened by kragnoth - 1
Is it possible to spawn mobs on bedrock?
#3 opened by MCJediYoda - 3
Wither won't spawn, regardless of configs
#4 opened by hairlessOrphan - 2
#6 opened by Shane371 - 2
Mod order issue when validating mobs
#5 opened by badmonkey - 27
maxheight/helditem commands not Working
#9 opened by Boolyman - 0
Compatibility issue with Headcrumbs
#7 opened by ARatfat - 5
Inconsistent/too many drops when using the "random" argument in loot.json
#8 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 1
Autogenerate Potentials from current rules
#11 opened by notfood - 1
Limiting spawn height range interferes with Day Cycle.
#12 opened by Vaygrim - 3
Game Keeps Crashing
#10 opened by Emysry - 1
Mobkill Command
#13 opened by Terpo - 1
Suggestion: Allow removing held items
#14 opened by kragnoth - 1
some issues with rules not working
#15 opened by Saereth - 1
[BUG] Commands not working
#16 opened by LiEyWe - 1
Some questions about loot tables.
#17 opened by wizard1399 - 0
Suggestion: simulate spawn
#19 opened by Terpo - 4
Request: Biome dictionary support
#20 opened by Thiana - 2
Request: conditional on structure-driven spawns
#18 opened by rhoark - 17
mintime / maxtime only working correctly for first 24000 ticks
#21 opened by Terpo - 9
Feature Request - Specify DAYS mobs can spawn
#22 opened by GeekyNinja