- 2
Tunnel Config Copy-er
#859 opened by met4000 - 2
Allow partial application/piping of operations/operators through use of placeholders.
#860 opened by met4000 - 3
Fatal game crash while using the logic programmer, when clicking "show all recipes" from JEI GUI
#861 opened by Jack-McKalling - 0
Incorrect cable bounding boxes
#862 opened by rubensworks - 1
a way to group card's in a folder or something with place to write information about what these do
#864 opened by drunkgummyboy - 2
Restore network diagnostics
#863 opened by rubensworks - 1
Crash when trying to display virtual piped function using item list from an inventory reader
#865 opened by nBeebz - 7
Crash when displaying variable due to client-side PartStateException
#866 opened by Ryplinn - 1
Redstone Writer sends a pulse when boolean is toggled
#869 opened by Mr-Stetson - 1
Cabled blocks do not get removed properly by wrenches in 1.15.2.
#867 opened by SCLeoX - 11
Copying a variable card changes original's ID
#872 opened by pnieuwkamp - 1
"Anvil combination result" operator
#870 opened by SharkWipf - 6
Empty fluid option behaviour description is confusing
#871 opened by robertmaxton42 - 10
Placing Variable Card in Display Panel causes the game to crash
#874 opened by Ararem - 23
Crash on 1.15.2 (startup)
#875 opened by 3x1at1on - 1
[1.15.2] Game crashes on startup with just CyclopsCore and IntegratedDynamics
#877 opened by 00-Steven - 5
[1.15.2] Meneglin trees not spawning anywhere.
#878 opened by NickGrease - 1
Creative pick block on a Variable Store duplicates Variable Cards, including IDs
#879 opened by Jack-McKalling - 2
integrateddynamicscompat requires wrong version
#880 opened by LlubNek - 10
[1.15.2] crash on start with doggy talents
#876 opened by Shandoo94 - 1
Server crash on startup
#881 opened by jasoninsane - 1
Exception in server tick loop
#882 opened by lebanni - 4
[1.15.2] Meneglin Tree Spawning on Water/In Trees
#883 opened by NickGrease - 7
Crash in mod loading
#884 opened by Shenanihands - 2
Support for TerraForged world generation.
#885 opened by NickGrease - 8
Menril torch is missing transparency
#886 opened by bloche1871 - 2
Recipe for Input Variable Transformer missing
#887 opened by bloche1871 - 3
[1.15.2] Trees *may* be dropping to many items.
#888 opened by NickGrease - 3
1.15.2 Machine Reader crash with Refined Storage
#889 opened by bloche1871 - 8
[1.15] Disabling the Megeglin Biome does not seem to work
#890 opened by NielsPilgaard - 2
[1.15.2] some keys cause labelling to misfire in both programmer and labeller
#891 opened by WebDragon - 3
[1.12] Incorrect stored energy when crafting 2 batteries together
#892 opened by IndigoEU - 2
[1.15.2] Squeezing Recipes for all vanilla minecraft flowers are out of whack
#893 opened by WebDragon - 6
[1.12.2] Any powered lever adjacent to a Battery will add energy output over existing Energy Importers (Integrated Tunnels), exceeding the max output rate
#894 opened by Jack-McKalling - 1
Energy usage not working properly
#895 opened by bloche1871 - 1
[1.15.2] Crash when adding Recipes to List variable in portable logic programmer
#896 opened by WebDragon - 5
Boolean misclassified as operator
#897 opened by StevenDoesStuffs - 2
Crash while opening an Integrated Dynamics Display Panel
#899 opened by NielsPilgaard - 3
1.12.2 Dedicated server Crash
#898 opened by Reginald-Halifrax - 2
SF4 Server low tps and console errors
#900 opened by MatthewFMMS - 1
Allow piping for Logic Programmer block
#901 opened by Pseudonium - 3
[1.12.2] Server start crush: Ticking block entity (Cannot get property PropertyBool)
#902 opened by Krutoy242 - 1
Bucket gets voided when used on a partially filled drying basin
#903 opened by MasterEnderman - 15
Bad performance on huge tunnels network
#904 opened by MatthewFMMS - 1
Substring(from,to,string) incorrectly reports end of string
#905 opened by dannyr-git - 2
Advanced logic programmer, or an update to the logic programmer to make the whole ID experience better
#906 opened by Comphus - 2
Improve GUI layout of all Readers/Writers for usability (also applies to InTu Interface/Importer/Exporter)
#907 opened by Jack-McKalling - 1
NPE causing server crash
#908 opened by Xandaros - 3
Integrated Dynamics causes world corruption
#909 opened by BlackStone5677 - 1
[1.15.2] Server crashed through setup which exports items into a colossal chest
#910 opened by 00-Steven