- 7
A command that updates all networks
#1069 opened by DraGonFiirE - 2
Menril etymology
#1068 opened by l4ssc - 2
Inverted behaviour "relational less / greater than"
#1067 opened by Paraxdq - 3
Allow Dragging and Dropping Items and Blocks into the Logic Programmer from JEI
#1066 opened by RobuxShooters - 2
Implement More Blocks with Menril Textures Similar to Vanilla Variants
#1065 opened by RobuxShooters - 1
The wrench doesn't work while crawling
#1064 opened by Jack-McKalling - 3
menril wood block
#1063 opened - 4
Omni crafting issues.
#1062 opened by User-green - 1
Logic Programmer search bar cannot be cleared anymore, once a variable card is given a custom name
#1061 opened by Jack-McKalling - 2
"Bone -> white dye" recipie supported by squeezer but not by mechanical squeezer
#1060 opened by cookiecan10 - 2
Crash when working with fluids
#1059 opened by ShadowzOfTheDark - 3
CTD and other issues with Agricraft added
#1058 opened by Hiranus - 2
logic stopped working
#1057 opened by Pultex - 2
World Importer Game Crash
#1056 opened by Raeis-Eikr - 1
Facades cause water to show flowing animation at the sides
#1055 opened by Jack-McKalling - 5
Placing variable card in display panel causes server crash.
#1054 opened by AntonLM - 4
Changing redstone writer strong power option from true to false does not cause redstone update.
#1053 opened by Icoza - 5
Lever cannot be placed directly on a Redstone Reader anymore
#1052 opened by Jack-McKalling - 3
Rotating display panels broken since >1.12
#1051 opened by Jack-McKalling - 6
Network Reader's "Value" doesn't update after erroring
#1050 opened by met4000 - 4
Fluid card also silently stores an integer value to check the level of the fluid
#1048 opened by TacocaTYT - 2
Want to have integer to string.
#1047 opened by hanxiaoxin778 - 2
'Player Simulator' can't use item right click.
#1046 opened by hanxiaoxin778 - 2
Use player simulator to crash the game
#1045 opened by GaN8373 - 1
with_fluid operator does not return fluid
#1044 opened by sbenedict - 1
Integrated Dynamics CTD on connecting importer to cyclic auto clicker (1.6.5)
#1043 opened by GMGKenny - 3
If the proxy puts the variable card through the pipeline, it will prompt that it cannot be found
#1042 opened by GaN8373 - 3
CTD When Placing/Breaking Components of an Integrated Network
#1041 opened by GMGKenny - 2
game crashing in ATM6 when trying to use world block exporter
#1040 opened by kuraishi420 - 2
Solid Facades
#1039 opened by Kyiki-Nasoka - 13
variable cards lost their names on client side
#1038 opened by druidbruce - 1
Transfer Rate of -2147483648 in Importers and Exporters
#1037 opened by AHL67 - 1
Can integrated dynamics interact directly with the storage block of refined storage?
#1036 opened by GaN8373 - 5
Network Reader aspects return error
#1035 opened by druidbruce - 1
Network reader crashes server when reading a corrupted network
#1034 opened by druidbruce - 5
The channel of omni directional connector can be modified with wrench
#1033 opened by GaN8373 - 2
Toggle-able filters in terminals / portable terminal
#1032 opened by Kyiki-Nasoka - 1
Adding operator parameters to the list resulted in a game crash.
#1031 opened by GaN8373 - 1
Counting a false Item carshes the server
#1030 opened by druidbruce - 20
Redstone Writer doesn't change it's state
#1029 opened by Charismara - 2
Crash 1.16.5
#1028 opened by Wlnfr - 1
Server hardlock on putting scripted card from "Place Item Entity" into "Place Item Entities" on World Item Exporter
#1027 opened by antofdeath - 4
Can't click a Menril log into the Squeezer
#1026 opened by AntonLM - 1
Materialized Item or [Item] cards do not contain the size information
#1025 opened by druidbruce - 1
Recipes not loading in ftb revelation mp world.
#1024 opened by bobolicious1995 - 2
Correct FE display
#1023 opened by Seceroth - 1
Using "name" function on delayer list items causes crash on world reload (UPDATE: happens on any list of type "Any")
#1022 opened by MCC900 - 3
[1.12] Facades does not working with modded block like Chisel or TechGun blocks
#1021 opened by hron84 - 7
Cant create working rotate_3_1_2 operator
#1020 opened by Hiranus - 2
World Block Importer is not working if used in claimed chunks (FTB Chunks)
#1019 opened by Hiranus