- 2
How to wrap Inventory or SidedInventory as ItemInsertable or ItemExtractable
#45 opened by Phoupraw - 5
Vanilla Inventory Doesn't Update Comparator Output After Being Extracted or Inserted.
#46 opened by Phoupraw - 0
Deprecate (and eventually remove) fractions, and move to fixed-integer for fluid amounts
#47 opened by AlexIIL - 0
Compat issue with ExtendedDraws
#48 opened by AlexIIL - 5
`UnloadableBlockEntity.onChunkUnload` is never called
#50 opened by Kneelawk - 0
Fluid rendering doesn't bind the textures first
#1 opened by AlexIIL - 1
Style should probably be a bit closer to fabric's style
#2 opened by AlexIIL - 1
Add a general Predicate to SearchParameter
#3 opened by AlexIIL - 4
No way to get an actual Fluid from a FluidVolume
#4 opened by LemmaEOF - 2
Crash with hopper transfer
#5 opened by Juuxel - 1
[Fabric 1.14 | 0.4.0]
#6 opened by Diamondman121314 - 5
Item-fluid inventory interaction weirdness
#7 opened by reoseah - 0
Tank interaction weirdness
#8 opened by 1a2s3d4f1 - 5
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The ItemStack that is stored has been changed! Made the game crash once and don't know how to reproduce it
#10 opened by natanfudge - 0
SlotFixedItemInv desync
#11 opened by 128-bit-guy - 1
ConstantItemFilter throws on testing against an empty stack, and no other ItemFilter does
#12 opened by LemmaEOF - 7
Iterating over items
#13 opened by Fuyukai - 1
`inv` property of InventoryFixedWrapper is inaccessible in subclasses
#14 opened by Fuyukai - 2
Move toTag/fromTag to a higher interface?
#15 opened by Fuyukai - 2
1.15 support
#17 opened by AlexIIL - 0
Allow modification of availableSlots in SidedInventoryFixedWrapper after construction
#18 opened by LuminaSapphira - 3
RebornCore fluid compat needs updating.
#19 opened by AlexIIL - 1
Consider Changing the Default Branch
#20 opened by shartte - 4
FluidKeys$VoidWorldView constructor crashes dedicated servers
#22 opened by Linguardium - 5
Rendering Fluids in fabulous graphics mode GUI doesn't work
#23 opened by shartte - 0
ItemInvUtil#move fails if the target inventory does not accept the item
#25 opened by shartte - 5
hopper into item causes crash
#34 opened by Monster-Zer0 - 4
FluidKeys.EMPTY could have a better name
#35 opened by williambl - 1
FluidFilter `or` calls `and`
#36 opened by williewillus - 2
A stack in the inventory reports as empty? (user reported crash)
#37 opened by AlexiyOrlov - 4
Dank Storage's larger inventories don't work properly when LBA is installed
#39 opened by AlexIIL - 3
Powering dropper that pointing any inventory that using this lib will killing the world
#40 opened by panbanann - 7
Startup errors
#41 opened by srnyx - 8
BlockView support for mods depending on this library
#42 opened by harleylizard - 1
Can't start server anymore.
#43 opened by Maelep