- 1
dropExperience is not documented in wiki
#17 opened by Goldenlion5648 - 2
Cannot find function thenAdd
#16 opened by eatenpancreas - 4
Example code doesn't work
#4 opened by Wudji - 3
incompatibility with CraftTweaker
#7 opened by arrisar - 3
Mixin Crash
#8 opened by Mattabase - 4
Scripts fail to apply on existing worlds with KubeJS Fabric 1902.6.0-build.119
#9 opened by SplendidAlakey - 7
Crash when using vitalize mod
#10 opened by genesy - 1
Transformation of entire loot list for `modifyLoot`
#11 opened by Prunoideae - 1
Please ignore me, I pressed it by mistake
#12 opened by EvanHsieh0415 - 1
Script for adding loot to an entity doesn't work
#13 opened by Chickenkarim2009 - 1
Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_2960.toString()" because "resourceLocation" is null
#14 opened by 3dEADto2 - 2
`ItemFilter.ENCHANTED` does not cover enchanted books
#15 opened by ANormalRaft - 1
wrong info in wiki pool(callback)
#18 opened by Strange05 - 3
hasAnyStage does not seem to work with fishing
#19 opened by katubug - 2
Wrong wiki info for 1.20.1 Forge
#20 opened by Pqvel1l - 1
Chest loot
#21 opened by DancinWhale - 1
Unable to modify loot from BetterNether or BetterEnd
#22 opened by ultimatejacob27