- 4
"Missing function/condition, expected to find string"
#86 opened by SeriousCreeper - 2
[HELP] Refactoring loot.zs from old `LootTweaker-0.3.0+MC1.12.2.jar` to new `LootTweaker-0.3.0+oldparsing-MC1.12.2.jar` release
#87 opened by ubergarm - 1
0.3.2 Crash on startup
#92 opened by brisingraerowing - 3
0.3.2 Crash on world load
#93 opened by Foreck1 - 1
Couldn't find resource table loottweaker:lostcitycommon
#88 opened by YuWindd - 1
Commands not working, reason unknown
#89 opened by hoolatehip - 2
Chests are not populated with loot tables on SpongeForge server
#90 opened by zediious - 2
Item chance not working properly?
#91 opened by GreenLandisaLie - 3
0.4.0 update crash with Corail Tombstone on world loading
#94 opened by mczph - 9
0.4.0 Causing "Exception in server tick loop" error
#95 opened by Lodgercat - 1
Crash w/ LevelUp
#96 opened by Shivaxi - 4
Any plans to add a mod to Modrinth?
#97 opened by Alter73 - 2
Add server-side only installation capability
#50 opened by callmesabs - 5
Railcraft loot cannot be removed item at a time, but pools can be removed
#51 opened by ElectroBot - 0
Set minimum Forge version to
#52 opened by Daomephsta - 2
Crash on startup on dedicated server
#53 opened by ExpensiveKoala - 2
Help with LootTweaker
#54 opened by diuzhevVlad - 0
Change 'loottables all' command to 'loottables registered'
#55 opened by Daomephsta - 6
"Error: No loot table with name ______ exists!" yet script still working
#57 opened by thephoenixlodge - 10
Spawn bonus chest resets to default
#58 opened by Ashur420 - 3
CT loottables all command broken
#59 opened by ElectroBot - 5
Loottables broken if JEI and JER and EnderIO or Railcraft are installed with verison 0.1.2 of LT
#60 opened by ElectroBot - 10
LootTweaker scripts unable to load
#61 opened by Stormister - 8
[0.1.3] Crash on World Load with removing pools (already removed on a previous load?)
#62 opened by thephoenixlodge - 2
Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: dungeonloot.zs}: java.util.Optional
#63 opened by DMBuce - 3
Crash with loottweaker and lootbags on 1.12.2
#64 opened by Saereth - 3
RuntimeException: Attempted to add a duplicate entry to pool
#65 opened by Dabombber - 1
[Request] LootFunction conditions
#67 opened by Dabombber - 2
loottable dump command does not function with "target"
#68 opened by katubug - 12
Crash on entering world
#70 opened by NielsPilgaard - 4
Cannot dump simple_dungeon table?
#69 opened by xJon - 1
Skipped modifying pool because it is frozen
#71 opened by GEM988 - 2
Error Parsing
#72 opened by HerleyJLancaster - 16
LootTweaker Help
#73 opened by HerleyJLancaster - 2
Failure to export several loot tables with Travellers Backpacks installed
#74 opened by Mnky313 - 1 java.lang.NullPointerException
#75 opened by A-bac - 0
Duplicate entry names throw an exception, instead of logging a CT error
#76 opened by Daomephsta - 1
Crash between this and bountiful baubles
#78 opened by Sunconure11 - 8
Incompatible with mystcraft
#79 opened by Sunconure11 - 0
[Bug] No Chat Output for Chest with Null Table
#80 opened by SuperDragonite2172 - 3
Help on clearing loot tables
#81 opened by Silivek - 1
Reapeating NullPointerException?
#82 opened by Yourname942 - 1
Enforce non-nullability of arguments
#83 opened by Daomephsta - 4
AbstractMutableLootEntry shouldn't crash with null LootCondition[]
#84 opened by yeelp - 7
Can't add loot to all things
#85 opened by mistaboom - 1
[Request]Modify Villager/Merchant trades
#44 opened by SirSwerving - 7
EnderIO capacitors can't be removed with removeEntry
#45 opened by ElectroBot - 3
Where do I put the damn code?
#46 opened by NineDivinez - 1
crash when using /help command
#48 opened by vibes81 - 3
.clear(); command dont work with all mods
#49 opened by Freebi85