- 19
DynmapForge not working with LuckPerms
#284 opened by gklewis-ataxiagames - 1
LuckPerms breaks XenoPanel [Sponge]
#283 opened by tannertechnology - 2
Luck Perms Bug
#282 opened - 1
Sponge Error not recognizing the jar file as a plugin file
#280 opened by Syvered - 1
Support for selectors in Sponge
#278 opened by BrainStone - 1
error ?
#277 opened by JaoPedronull - 1
Error config redis
#276 opened by JaoPedronull - 14
Target selectors not working
#275 opened by Katrix - 8
Error in console [Sponge]
#274 opened by SnowBlitzz - 1
CustomNPC mod - Npc cant execute command
#273 opened by Flashback083 - 1
pls. add bstats
#272 opened by KonoromiHimaries - 1
NPE on user join
#271 opened by DanyBv98 - 10
Vault - Chat#getPlayerInfoInteger - Returns always the default value
#270 opened by Sir-Will - 1
Migratuion from permissionex (sponge) V2
#269 opened by Pokekhan - 1
Migratuion from permissionex (sponge)
#268 opened by Pokekhan - 2
LuckPerms does not work on 1.7.10
#267 opened by Portanna - 3
Server crashing 20 minutes or so after startup—possible LuckPerms confliction.
#266 opened by Creati0n - 4
Issue connecting to redis
#265 opened by JaoPedronull - 2
MyCommand - custom permissions not working
#264 opened by aljaxus - 3
Wildcard in the middle not working
#263 opened by BrainStone - 3
BungeeCord API hasPermission returns false, even if it's set to true.
#262 opened by CodingLukas - 2
Per world groups
#261 opened - 1
LuckPerms handling deaths
#260 opened - 1
Per world default groups
#259 opened - 3
Wiki repo
#258 opened by PiggyPiglet - 1
Player name replaced by storage type
#257 opened by leNicDev - 2
Print message to chat when data exceeds max column length instead of throwing error
#256 opened by Phoenix616 - 5
Changes to world rewrites & shorthand server/world args
#255 opened by Phoenix616 - 6
Setting apply-global-groups or apply-global-world-groups to false should also apply matching group parents
#254 opened by Phoenix616 - 5
Add ability to set include-global etc. settings per group
#253 opened by Phoenix616 - 0
NPE when running /lp user <name> info
#252 opened by Phoenix616 - 2
MongoDB authentication credentials
#251 opened by lifehome - 5
[NPE] LuckBungee
#249 opened by SeniorCluckers - 1
Vault Support
#248 opened by stuntguy3000 - 9
[error] Mysql: Could not send query: Broken pipe (Write failed)
#247 opened by TomLewis - 1
[bug] 919 Errors Using Export/Import to move from Yaml to Mysql for user storage
#246 opened by TomLewis - 4
[LP] Permissions data could not be loaded. Please contact an administrator.
#245 opened by BirkhoffLee - 1
World inheritance
#244 opened by aWitch-Doctor - 6
Turning off certain commands
#243 opened by fallenfrance - 5
feathure request: add hashing to permissions and groups?
#242 opened by KonoromiHimaries - 0
Set default contexts for commands
#241 opened by mrho225 - 1
fix the default group re-create on export and import
#240 opened by KonoromiHimaries - 3
Add a few placeholders
#239 opened by BirkhoffLee - 1
Async tasks are not properly shutting down
#237 opened - 2
[LP] Permission Data Could Not Be Loaded. Please Contact An Administrator.
#236 opened by LokksGaming - 0
Server permission feature request
#234 opened by steenooo - 3
BungeeluckPerms error
#233 opened by det483 - 2
"Failed to load jar for dependency SLF4J_SIMPLE"
#232 opened by Tenelia - 2
addgroup/removegroup command
#231 opened by steenooo - 2
Error pinging remote server thrown on bungee.
#230 opened by Joapple