- 39
Permissions rolling back/not saving
#1977 opened by hutchy50 - 5
#1976 opened by Sikatsu - 5
NoClassDefFoundError by ClassNotFoundException for LuckPermsApiProvider
#1975 opened by DasBabyPixel - 2
Players Groups reverting on server relog
#1974 opened by VOrlando520 - 2
Crash log ..
#1973 opened by SskyWorms - 10
About maxLifetime value
#1972 opened by Pau1am - 4
At some point after a few hours this error comes from Luckperms.
#1971 opened by ExticDev - 1
When I stop my server this Error just appear.How to fix this@@?
#1970 opened by TaiwanKHJHGTea - 1
Server stop when i add the plugin
#1969 opened by lewanpe - 2
Prioritize negative nodes / option to weight nodes
#1968 opened by TheProX0517 - 2
LuckPerms showing 2 of the same prefix
#1967 opened by lukesfridge - 1
Illegal reflective access Warning
#1966 opened by KleinCrafter - 2
Config Export Issue
#1965 opened by hutchy50 - 1
Feature Request (or context) - pause temporary perms
#1964 opened by Miwasak - 6
Another luckperms + worldedit problem...
#1963 opened by TheUltraXGamer - 4
Chat setPrefix not working in 1.12.2
#1962 opened by Cleardragonf - 2
Certain Permissions with multiverse
#1961 opened by Oscaramr - 1
Not Recognized as a Mod
#1960 opened by onelegger - 9
Missing dependency declaration
#1959 opened by SlimeDog - 2
Command for Rank
#1958 opened by RazzerDE - 1
Unable to modify existing meta nodes without clearing first.
#1957 opened by bloodmc - 3
Temporary permissions being longer some times than given.
#1956 opened by BlitzOffline - 1
LuckPerms not updating groups
#1955 opened by Loofn - 2
LuckPerms breaking other plugins
#1954 opened by Loofn - 10
Error dispatching event PermissionCheckEvent
#1953 opened by dinfyru - 3
Help Permission bungeecord
#1952 opened - 12
Luckperms editor not working
#1951 opened by V3x1Dev - 3
Custom Promotions / Demotions (Tracks)
#1950 opened by Jaimss - 11
Rebuilding my servers from scratch keep getting this error on both bungee and spigot
#1948 opened by thephatcrew - 3
prefix stacking exemption
#1947 opened by blairwilson - 2
luckperms-hikari - Failed to validate connection
#1946 opened by vlian5 - 3
regex for worldname context
#1945 opened by david-bla - 2
Group Change Messages
#1944 opened by Jaimss - 2
User data
#1943 opened by falken91 - 3
getGroup (API?) | done
#1942 opened by xJust1n - 4
[LP] playername is not a valid username/uuid.
#1941 opened by MCMaricopaAZ - 17
Plugin not responding
#1940 opened by invaded - 2
Tab completion shows minecraft:luckperms:lp
#1939 opened by ryantheleach - 3
I would like to know something
#1938 opened - 7
Migration from GroupManager fails (exception errors)
#1937 opened by mrfloris - 1
Delay Applying Group Permissions
#1936 opened by DarkArc - 4
Console error
#1935 opened by GameModeOnX - 4
Unable to use/interact with items
#1934 opened by one-and-only - 2
Support plugin
#1933 opened by fiuipko - 5
LP Editor Dropdown Missing all permission Nodes
#1932 opened by one-and-only - 4
support for placerholder+
#1931 opened by BenjaminHoegh - 1
Java 11/13 console error.
#1930 opened by andrewkm - 10
Plugin disables itself upon startup
#1929 opened by LodtheFraud - 4
LuckPerms blocked towny and granted jobs permissions
#1928 opened by Feldmarschall - 3
MongoDB doesn't work as it should
#1927 opened by InfinityZ25