- 0
Solar Tower generating 80mb/t with only 1 mirror
#81 opened by cout970 - 0
crushing table with mekanism ore
#82 opened by coldblacksnow - 0
Trying to grab liquid from a copper tank while holding more than one bucket deletes extra buckets
#83 opened by superfluke - 3
Light Plates not following Oredict entries, No crafting method for any plates Light or Heavy
#84 opened by Gunner76th - 3
Cannot take items out of shelves after searching
#85 opened by pagameba - 3
Crushing table should start crushing with right click, stop crushing with another right click.
#86 opened by calloatti - 1
Only accepts Iron Buckets
#87 opened by RenanVieira88 - 1
Shelving Unit reports double the amount of items to other mods.
#88 opened by calloatti - 7
Crushing Table
#89 opened by dirtbys - 0
Accessing the gui of the electric furnace causes graphical glicth
#90 opened by Crimix - 2
buckets disappears after trying to get the liquid from the copper tank
#92 opened by Boshouko - 0
unable to shift click copper coils on electric connectors
#93 opened by MagieMalone - 1
Excessive Cascading Chunk Loads
#96 opened by FriendlyGamer - 3
Can you help me?
#94 opened by HurtsAsHell - 1
Allow custom tools for use with the crushing table
#97 opened by WrongWeekend - 0
Support column orientation
#100 opened by cout970 - 1
[Suggestion] pwd and clear commands for Shell
#99 opened by Lykrast - 0
Add JEI indicator for the crushing table mining level required on the hammer
#104 opened by cout970 - 0
Reading contents of Shipping Container and various issues with inventories
#103 opened by Axylxys - 1
Items not shown in JEI?
#107 opened by wormzjl - 1
Config options to disable machines
#108 opened by Yarden-zamir - 0
Conveyor belts - ticking entity crash
#105 opened by MrTubzy456 - 0
MOB spawnable and bounding blocks
#109 opened by KollinsPlays - 0
Shelving Unit access from original block
#110 opened by KollinsPlays - 0
Crash in dev build when placing computer or mining robot in the world
#111 opened by KollinsPlays - 1
Utilizing CraftTweaker Syntax causes a crash.
#113 opened by Boolyman - 0
Breaking a multiblock center block ignores the orientation
#112 opened by cout970 - 1
Crafttweaker support for the oil heater and refinery
#114 opened by wormzjl - 4
Missing block - V.2.4.0
#115 opened by Darkness1744 - 1
Broken Crushing Table recipe
#116 opened by Snownee - 1
Sluice box does not work with clay buckets
#117 opened by lobbienjonsji - 5
Has the Alternator to Convert RF To Volts Been Removed?
#120 opened by Boolyman - 1
NoClassDefFoundError when reflecting into BlockBase and subclasses
#121 opened by codewarrior0 - 2
Oil Refinery should use steam
#118 opened by WrongWeekend - 1
Magneticraft items do not appear when searched for in the creative menu
#119 opened by WrongWeekend - 0
Sluice Box rendering oddly when viewed through water block next to it.
#122 opened by Crare - 1
Does the Hydraulic Press have CraftTweaker support?
#123 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 0
V2.4.2: Hydraulic press can't get power from cable
#125 opened by save4869 - 2
Can the solar tower be turned off?
#127 opened by duncanwebb - 3
Issue with Changing grinder recipe with crafttweaker
#128 opened by avidgamer5918 - 2
I have no idea whats happening.
#129 opened by TechinicFiles - 2
Sluice Box Ticking Entity
#131 opened by IdrisQe - 1
Crash with latest Magneticraft version
#132 opened by Bulldog83 - 2
The recipe input stack cannot be empty!
#135 opened by InterruptingOctopus - 3
Exception ticking world
#136 opened by Yoghurt4C - 1
- 2
Ore doubling not working with three and more ore stacks in crusher and sieve
#139 opened by duncanwebb - 3
Nonstandard OreDictionary
#140 opened by IdrisQe - 1
Mod crashing at startup
#141 opened by redragon309 - 1
Shelving Unit with Inventory tweaks sorting
#142 opened by Zieg777