- 2
The Atlases not render correctly with Accurate block placement reborn (Fabric 1.20.1, bug)
#95 opened by himansure - 1
Map count tooltip not displaying scale correctly
#90 opened by fluffyxox - 2
crash when crafting atlas with shears
#91 opened by LeoBeliik - 1
Crash on start
#92 opened by Denixerianer - 6
Twilight forest magic maps crash player on render when Map atlases is installed
#93 opened by LeoBeliik - 0
[1.19.2 FORGE] Missing UI from Moonlight Lib and Supplementaries
#94 opened by Rajterr - 4
[1.19.2 5.6.8] Named Banner objects explode after you zoom out (see video)
#85 opened by thelegitdolt - 4
[1.19.2 6.0.0] Client crashes when right clicking the atlas
#86 opened by AlbusRex - 1
[1.19.2 6.0.2] Crash after putting atlas in hotbar from inventory
#87 opened by thelegitdolt - 3
[1.19.2 6.0.2] Can no longer drag atlas
#88 opened by thelegitdolt - 3
map_atlases-1.19-6.0.3-fabric.jar crashes - requires a cardinal-components version that is not available in 1.19.2
#89 opened by Fade-Alchemist - 2
Crash while opening an atlas with supplementaries installed
#74 opened by Tlotro - 4
Atlas is incredibly slow if more than one player is on server
#69 opened by robosoup2 - 16
[Forge 1.19.2 5.6.6] Significant Lag Spike while loading chunks with atlas in inventory
#71 opened by thelegitdolt - 1
Map Atlases 1.20-5.12.7 crashing with Optifine 1.20.1_HD_U_I6
#70 opened by EternityLegacy - 1
Slice maps are completely broken for 1.20.1
#72 opened by Mattomo101 - 5
max_map_count says to set it to -1 to disable, but has a range of 0-10000
#73 opened by oitsjustjose - 9
Random map filling (Fabric)
#80 opened by Daelyx - 1
The server kicks me out when loading a map into the atlas
#75 opened by DankestO - 1
[Fabric 1.20.1] Dedicated server crash upon adding empty maps to atlas
#76 opened by jakeismyname - 3
[Client] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -127 out of bounds for length 1024
#77 opened by oitsjustjose - 6
Game crash when use right click with map in hands 1.20.1
#78 opened by Kogomre - 3
how to obtain the Antique Atlas look
#79 opened by Arekkusubillaga - 4
Crash when installing the mod on Fabric 1.20.4
#81 opened by vico93 - 1
Crash when adding the atlas to my hotbar.
#82 opened by szunakabeats - 6
Ghosts of pins [1.20.1]
#83 opened by TwelveYO21 - 7
[Fabric][1.20.01] Entity Lag when map is in Hotbar, Atlasslot or Handslot
#84 opened by Sharkxx - 4
How I can add render custom stuff on the map?
#101 opened by slava110 - 6
No pin works in 1.19.2 (lastest version)
#100 opened by Pedritoc25 - 1
Requires Forge 47 for 1.20
#96 opened by Bamyentm97 - 1
The Atlases has black in minimap [Fabric 1.20.1 newest]
#97 opened by himansure - 1
Atlas not consuming empty maps when entering unmapped region
#98 opened by etherealgears - 8
Moonlight integration doesn't seem to work
#99 opened by federkey - 1
Can't pin anything
#102 opened by WillBMorra - 1
Mod not working with optifine
#103 opened by Mart347 - 5
[Suggestion] Automatic Waypoint Addition on Waystone Activation
#104 opened by Rodrigo816 - 4
Fabric 1.20.1 - Anchors don't work
#105 opened by Partonetrain - 7
Fabric 1.20.1 - No X appears when sneak key has multiple binds
#106 opened by Partonetrain - 2
Crashing in game when trying to create Map Atlas book. Says supplementaries issue but idk
#110 opened by ThatWasMyName - 8
Game keeps crashing when attempting to open Atlas.
#107 opened by RokLinen - 18
Markers added to map without being made by player
#109 opened by plswhynocomeon - 6
Fabric 1.20.1 Crash when Atlas is in Inventory
#111 opened by LocoPineapples - 2
Crash apon craftign an Atlas. [Forge] [Minecraft 1.20.1]
#112 opened by CamHam1024 - 0
Too many pins
#117 opened by redstoneguy10ls - 5
Anchors don't work at greater GUI Scales
#113 opened by Estecka - 2
Unable to build from sources
#114 opened by Estecka - 5
No minimap rendering at all [1.20.1 Fabric]
#115 opened by Boingboingsplat - 0
Atlas and map in off hand bug
#116 opened by GreenForzeGaming - 1
I created a waypoint that I didn't mean too
#118 opened by IsLegitimate - 2
[Forge 1.19.2-6.0.4] Cannot apply slice maps to atlases at a cartography table
#119 opened by thelegitdolt