213,264 Mods
R's Money
6 DownloadsJust a random mod about money made for fun.
Prototypical! [RINGS WIP]
6 DownloadsA new mod about a storyline, that of a forgotten time. This mod has more info in the desc, but a rough outline of what it is, is that it is a new mod based off of a random texture I made called the proto orb, and also Ssundee's new series, Insanecraft.
Dova's Ores And Weapons
6 DownloadsNew Ores Armors And Weapons And Secret Dimension
The Nowhere Space
6 Downloadsa dimension of broken worlds.
6 DownloadsGUI's plus.
Ruins update by Pedriki hacker
6 Downloadsadd new ruins for the game
Cobble Compression Forever
6 DownloadsAllows you to compress cobblestone and nothing else whatsoever :)
6 Downloadsnew biome and new mineral
LordCicikus's Obsidian Hammer
6 DownloadsRecraft Weapons
6 DownloadsFight your way through a rootbeer infested hellhole filled with amazing structures and insane artwork
Space Adventure
6 DownloadsSpace Adventure
6 DownloadsThis mod is for the Version 1.16.5. It's add a new nukelea stuff(new Tools, new armour, new Fluid and a new block)
Towers of Death
6 DownloadsDeath of one, death of all
RoxCrewPlay's world of roxania
6 DownloadsEnglish: A Mod which adds a new Biome, a new ore, Food, Tools, Weapons and even a Pistol! Deutsch: EIne Mod die ein neues Biom, ein neues Erz, Essen, Werkzeuge, Waffen und sogar eine Pisole hinzufĆ¼gt!
6 Downloadsadds new things to exsiting biomes.
zonte hoshi
6 Downloadsa mod made by a Frenchman (and his friend google translation) which will (maybe) be incredible (we know I used to love it XD)my goal is to make a mythology that I invented with new block, object, boss etc... my mod will have improvements in new version
Possibly Worse (Than Any Others)
6 DownloadsA small little mod that adds stuff like Lightsabers.
Turtle Armor & netherite version
6 Downloadsadds turtle armor bruh why is this not valid
6 DownloadsThis mod adds many new cave biomes to Minecraft!
Hollow Mine
6 DownloadsAdds Hollow Knight items and NPCs into minecraft