- 0
Invisible Iron Rack in Warehouse
#5682 opened by Strohtaler - 11
Crafters not leaving homes for work
#5684 opened by taggianto - 8
Barracks towers and guard towers dont work, when barracks is being built Builders say they have run into a AI issue.
#5686 opened by ULittleTurd - 11
Minecoloines not working on 1.16.2 server
#5690 opened by Anthonys1 - 2
Problem with decoration "walls/asian gate2"
#5691 opened by tobbygabriel - 0
Builder getting stuck placing lanterns
#5687 opened by Sindarin27 - 2
minecraft crashes
#5689 opened by HazeWorksOnFiveMServer - 0
Busy Baker Bites Boundless Bread
#5697 opened by psilyntdev - 8
Builder lvl2 accepted lvl4 build contract
#5698 opened by jarquafelmu - 1
Town Hall not completing (stuck at 50%-58%)
#5693 opened by Dragonbornn - 1
Client crash when interacting with builder
#5700 opened by jadewolf05 - 2
Builder won't complete town hall
#5702 opened by dcniedan - 4
fully upgraded town hall but the border didnt expand
#5705 opened by AlmiraVex - 0
Gui's have player inventory off by 1
#5703 opened by LukeGi - 3
Warehouse not showing location of rack
#5704 opened by LukeGi - 1
Builder breaks fences before continuing building
#5708 opened by LukeGi - 5
Builder AI Bug-"My AI has run into an issue..."
#5711 opened by KalSkirata45 - 2
Not exactly sure what happeend
#5706 opened by Dallas1117 - 14
Updated. Builder Bug.
#5707 opened by Dallas1117 - 10
Private Server Structurize Crash on Startup
#5724 opened by Kenzec - 3
Cannot craft Rack
#5729 opened by darjir - 1
My builder can't finish the building
#5730 opened by xtcaurora - 2
Anything from minecolonies that I place crashes the game
#5731 opened by cvexxx - 1
Missing graphic elements
#5712 opened by MBalent - 2
Builder UI has run into a issue
#5714 opened by Slimjimjimmy - 3
Builder Drowns
#5715 opened by TheJellyCat - 1
Builder AI Problem
#5716 opened by xSlickZz - 3
memory leak
#5717 opened by nico10n - 1
Builder's hut won't upgrade.
#5718 opened by HappyDuc - 1
Deconstructed and placed again huts don't keep their taught recipes
#5720 opened by ravenbuilder934 - 2
Request system asks for thousands of items
#5721 opened by Tenebranas - 1
Builder digging up too much grass in Medieval Oak Alternative Restaurant
#5722 opened by iShockGIT - 3
The chunks claimed message which was introduced by #5734 is displayed even if no actual expansion happens
#5736 opened by MatthiasMann - 4
Error on start
#5738 opened by CyborgRyno603 - 19
Game crashes when placing supply camp. Have newest version!
#5739 opened by senzamorej - 1
Medieval Spruce Cook (Restaurant) structure difference between level 3 and 4
#5732 opened by eractnod - 8
Tavern Visitors suffocating in walls
#5735 opened by JasonEpic - 2
Deleted Colony; Can't Replace
#5746 opened by lkendal793 - 2
Restaurant Recipe/Request Issue
#5747 opened by JesseLeeBusch - 1
building medieval oak alternative forester wrong bottom floor
#5750 opened by Swantsy - 1
Warehouse inventory isn't recognized by deliveryman
#5740 opened by Pelemesh - 1
Warehouse lvl5 emerald rack upgrade
#5741 opened by Pelemesh - 1
Crash oping clipboard
#5742 opened by Pelemesh - 0
Deliveryman voiding items
#5743 opened by Pelemesh - 4
Crafters improved recipes
#5745 opened by Pelemesh - 10
Restaurant LvL 3 + Pam's Harvestcraft Issue
#5752 opened by JesseLeeBusch - 2
Problem with builder
#5753 opened by Charlistic - 1
Bug with Courier's IA
#5754 opened by tchumat - 3
Lag and/or crash
#5755 opened by y2kansas - 3
Accidentally right clicked a rack with the build tool, crashed my game.
#5758 opened by PortalsCoolToo