- 4
Planter not planting sugarcane in the correct location and continuously breaks and replaces
#6409 opened by Pluto9249 - 2
AI error with Cowherd
#6407 opened by Boodlyneck - 6
Cannot complete "Check out the Guide" advancement.
#6411 opened by Slyklaw - 1
Unable to que research for woodworking.
#6417 opened by mikeskey - 3
Multiple colonists have AI Error
#6418 opened by AdamButtle15 - 5
NullPointerException with Optifine when joining a Server
#6415 opened by tobi1449 - 1
Town hall/university research issus.
#6416 opened by Lod-25 - 12
[Server] java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 involving Listeners
#6421 opened by thorsanvil - 5
Cannot expand past 125 colonists
#6424 opened by insufficient-funds - 4
Builder doesn't use bed once higher tier is built
#6433 opened by NetMasterFlex - 0
can no longer access any colony buildings hut guis
#6434 opened by TheoK47 - 14
all of my colony's huts' gui's cannot be accessed
#6435 opened by TheoK47 - 1
miner requests ladders and voids them when fulfilled
#6436 opened by Spongman - 2
1.15.2 - Barbarian Raid Starts, but no Barbarians Spawns if Colony is in a mountain (BoP Alps)
#6438 opened by Beer1976 - 3
Guard Towers show more than guards as workers
#6441 opened by smmmadden - 2
Lumberjack Making Stripped / Normal wood
#6437 opened by SplashNetwork - 2
When upgrading my tavern: visitors die from getting sufficated in walls, and taverns reputation goes down
#6445 opened by Loppansson - 1
Cannot Place Supply Camp in Valhelsia 3 1.16.5 modpack
#6446 opened by SteveNichols5 - 9
Pirate Raids - Ship Spawns but Raiders do not
#6447 opened by KKomrade - 6
Colony color and show help messages settings reset to defaults on world load
#6449 opened by TheEzzran - 9
Inaccurate count of guard towers.
#6442 opened by Slyklaw - 1
Failed to update from 1.15.2 to 1.16.5
#6443 opened by XakepSDK - 1
Obtaining Gates for Research?
#6453 opened by tyler489 - 0
Medieval Dark Oak structure builds or upgrades requiring regular oak
#6455 opened by KroniK907 - 13
clipboard shows non-existant blacksmith tasks
#6452 opened by Spongman - 7
Couriers get stuck on Level 3+ Warehouse ladders
#6458 opened by tecnobrat - 3
Nordic 5 library got self destructed
#6459 opened by aaronegger - 1
Client Joining Server Crash
#6460 opened by Zilch00 - 1
Barbarians destroy environment with ladders when spawning?
#6456 opened by Nyrox - 9
Server Crash when I edit Config
#6457 opened by fortheps909 - 5
level 3 university (wooden) requires grass
#6466 opened by gabecupino - 3
Pirate Ship raid spawning under water
#6468 opened by KKomrade - 3
Baker can't stock cake batter
#6470 opened by uecasm - 1
former archer in training going to bed at archery ground
#6471 opened by Moobien - 5
Crashed server when player connected
#6472 opened by Sanysvo - 3
Pirate ship spawning and destroying Hospital building
#6474 opened by AlieDupuis - 3
Cannot create colony
#6475 opened by PrestyDawg101 - 3
Version concerns
#6463 opened by TheOrionsun - 2
Fisher not...magnetic? enough?
#6464 opened by Talyda - 10
Wrong scematic mirroring and rotation
#6479 opened by Coocys - 12
Visitor requiring 'air' to hire.
#6477 opened by AVFD - 2
Mod conflict with Areas?
#6480 opened by Moleculor - 2
Upgrading to Dark Oak Town Hall 5 Frozen
#6484 opened by Geoffrotism - 2
Version mismatch
#6486 opened by ergoplato - 0
Game crashes and will not reload with hopper/stash combo
#6489 opened by Talyda - 0
Just wondering when the new update is coming out? Any idea? Thanks
#6490 opened by RainRose33 - 1
Pirate ship spawned under water with no pirates
#6483 opened by Sleeclow - 2
Restaurant medival oak alternative level 1 does not have a floor
#6492 opened by Sindorman - 4
Builder not placing armor stands/armor
#6493 opened by KKomrade - 1
Increase Min Spawn Distance
#6494 opened by Geoffrotism