- 0
[BUG] blacksmith can craft a lot of things (not only metal objects)
#9283 opened by dhgameryt - 11
[BUG] <title>Builder doesn't finish upgrade of townhall to level 2
#9278 opened by Clov-er - 0
[BUG] <title>test
#9279 opened by someaddons - 1
Housing Issues [BUG] <title>
#9280 opened by LadyKathleen - 3
[BUG] Stonemason wont accept just stone in his "Custom Recipes"
#9282 opened by Sven3399 - 2
[BUG] Doctor acting useless, not curing people
#9272 opened by Shadizar - 0
[BUG] Claimed message showing three times
#9284 opened by MarioSMB - 6
[BUG] Schematic cause a crash
#9286 opened by 5UP3RTH30B4G - 5
[BUG] Schemetics wont turn or mirror unless changing the lvl of the schematic
#9287 opened by JustADuder - 1
[BUG] Colonists are not properly using trapdoors to go up and down ladders
#9291 opened by Jinotad - 3
[BUG] Field GUI hovertexts overlap buttons
#9295 opened by qwltech - 1
[BUG] Colony missing
#9329 opened by ThePebblemancer - 4
[Bug] Farmer lost field assignments after plantation update
#9301 opened by anastasia590 - 0
[BUG] Raiders/Pirates spawning in protected territory
#9303 opened by AylanJ123 - 13
[BUG] Extra claimed colony chunk about 3 chunks away from main colony.
#9304 opened by Kaylinofhr - 8
[BUG] Mod updates broke my citizens
#9308 opened by LadyShatana - 2
[BUG] Clipboard wont open in the end
#9311 opened by Tristenm1019 - 4
[BUG] <title>
#9318 opened by UnstableMistake - 0
[BUG] <Colony Lost Dimension Info>
#9326 opened by DSMister - 2
[BUG] <title>
#9333 opened by MishaninaT - 4
[BUG] <title>
#9336 opened by Yuri348 - 1
[BUG] Cant Upgrade Town Hall
#9339 opened by HectorCesar - 1
[BUG] Description for the plantation nether research doesn't mention vines
#9340 opened by IchHabeHunger54 - 2
[BUG] Achitect's Cutter does not take item inputs.
#9341 opened by PiratBootyPirat - 4
[BUG] After update to 1.20.1-1.1.118-BETA the colony is (not) owned by me any more and no hut is accessible
#9344 opened by Florianer - 7
stonemason and sawmill never building anything
#9374 opened by jadebullfrog - 4
Cannot hire workers after relocating Level 5 buildings
#9372 opened by NatoriGitHub - 4
[BUG] Mobs spawning inside building bounding box
#9357 opened by kezmodius - 11
[BUG] Forester stops cutting down tree when encountering productive bees nest
#9358 opened by NoMoreStars - 1
[BUG] <title>
#9359 opened by halk6000 - 3
Colonist voices still on even with config set to false
#9361 opened by Raspberrycommie1 - 3
[BUG] Vine Lassoo against Minecolonies Mob = Crash
#9369 opened by DoctorMage - 4
[BUG] Construct buildings in Creative is not registered unless a builder repair it
#9367 opened by pantsguyapp - 3
Racks not connecting when builder places them down
#9368 opened by RenRants - 0
[BUG][1.19.2] Cooks will give food to visitors
#9370 opened by Sandriell - 1
[BUG] Issue with Death Messages
#9402 opened by Sandriell - 4
[BUG] Unable to build Supply Ship. Boat tag is missing from recipe.
#9404 opened by Caprikey - 0
[BUG] double rack's hitbox is separated
#9410 opened by pantsguyapp - 20
[BUG] <World doesn't load, timed out waiting for world statistics>
#9375 opened by NoMoreStars - 3
[BUG] Minecraft either locks or crashes immediately after world load
#9376 opened by vincentreynolds - 3
[BUG] Exit game when trying to add min stock to the Restaurant
#9379 opened by JeanLuisJimenez - 1
[BUG] NPCs voices still enabled even after disabling in config
#9382 opened by SkylordManga - 11
Clipboard object text occluded by circle
#9383 opened by mberlin1 - 1
#9392 opened by DragonCraft5 - 0
[BUG] racks create shadows despite not being a solid block
#9411 opened by pantsguyapp - 3
[BUG] ai crash
#9414 opened by Ironarc-corp - 0
[BUG] racks hitboxes block light
#9415 opened by pantsguyapp - 2
[BUG] hitbox of racks are smaller than its model
#9416 opened by pantsguyapp - 1
[BUG] Crashing upon attempting to place townhall block
#9420 opened by TheGecks - 1
[BUG] Can't replace Town Hall in colony with Build Tool.
#9419 opened by TrueTESTUDO