- 7
[1.15.2] Alpha 0.13.548 - Placing Supply Ship Creates Dead Area
#6336 opened by Slashaar - 2
[1.16.4] 0.13.437 Release - University - Can't research Know the End? despite having appropriate requirements
#6337 opened by kingofrunes - 8
Colonists disappeared, blocks can't be interacted with and can't load a backup
#6339 opened by DarthPepo - 1
Gates remain open if they were open when the colony unloaded
#6340 opened by kmarple1 - 19
visitors keep dying.
#6341 opened by AndrewTru - 5
Fulfilling requests at the builder's hut doesn't clear them from the builder
#6342 opened by kmarple1 - 0
Pausing Entity because of java.lang.NullPointerException from AbstractEntityAIBasic:onException
#6343 opened by KoenLemmen - 5
builder breaking snow unnecessarily
#6344 opened by Spongman - 8
Unable to place buildings on a server due to resource pack(s)
#6345 opened by NekoChan545 - 1
Mine Colonies not loading, partial load with items but the items are invalid blocks and no npc or building spawning.
#6347 opened by StefanJ20 - 3
Build queues all changed to downgrading by 1 tier instead of upgrading
#6327 opened by rtbittaker - 1
AI Issue
#6328 opened by cinnamennen - 23
Builder not placing any blocks. Appears to be placing nothing.
#6331 opened by Skidd17 - 7
Fisher destroys his fishing rods instead of fishing
#6354 opened by FlashZange - 3
[Suggestion] Voice-lines
#6352 opened by PasixTheValkyrie - 1
Pupil count not reflected in Town Hall GUI
#6358 opened by smmmadden - 3
Smelter asks for Ores to smelt, but courier s/b supplying the Smelter
#6359 opened by smmmadden - 5
#6355 opened by wkurumi - 6
"My AI has run into an issue, please locate latest log and send it to MC authors with this message"
#6356 opened by Hirschney - 2
Deleting default recipes causes the workstation to reset to just default recipe
#6362 opened by cinnamennen - 2
Crash while opening the build menu of asian barracks 3
#6363 opened by MatthiasMann - 5
Server log is getting spammed with "Skipping entity with id "
#6364 opened by tobi1449 - 1
Builder's Hut cannot be crafted with cactus door
#6369 opened by Galaxy2Alex - 2
#6372 opened by 0rb1tall - 14
Minecolonies causing huge TPS drop in 1.16.4
#6366 opened by iamnoobplzhelp - 2
The BeeKeeper asked me to send you a Log file
#6367 opened by GeekJay206 - 1
Lvl 5 Medieval Birch Citizen House Has No Beds
#6368 opened by GeekJay206 - 1
Colonists don't use rails that change elevation
#6374 opened by lawl281 - 1
Can not add fake player to permissions list
#6375 opened by KySoto - 1
MineColonies People Crafting
#6376 opened by MegaGamer265 - 2
The mercenary caused the game to crash.
#6377 opened by wkurumi - 3
Can't teach recipes to my workers
#6381 opened by Domvel55 - 1
Medieval Spruce Restaurant not placeable
#6382 opened by Graphicscore - 2
MineColonies requires Structurize 104 even though 110 is available
#6383 opened by smmmadden - 0
No work order, no main block
#6384 opened by nickkoslosk - 3
Two problems without much consequence
#6373 opened by ArturilloD - 1
Stonemason missing some Nether Quartz recipes
#6391 opened by KKomrade - 2
Builder asked to send the latest.log after encountering an AI Issue
#6388 opened by KKomrade - 4
latest alpha version wants a structurize version that doesn't exist
#6389 opened by Zygus42 - 3
Citizen Cap not Increasing
#6394 opened by Wolfinskin - 1
BUG - Server crashes every time we place a Town Hall
#6395 opened by SplashNetwork - 5
Valhelsia_3/Courier informed me to tell you something is wrong.
#6398 opened by atbjacobs - 0
[1.16.4] CTD Related to Colony Flags
#6396 opened by Sandriell - 2
Unable to break town hall block to move it
#6401 opened by Talyda - 4
Builder AI asks to send latest.logs
#6402 opened by Kobeanss - 2
Server Crashed and now colonists are noctornal
#6403 opened by tyler489 - 0
Ancient Tomes
#6399 opened by Rithenar - 4
Courier AI has run into an issue
#6400 opened by setdebarr - 4
deleted colony gets automatically restored as i restart my forge server
#6406 opened by nicoo1708 - 20
Fence Connection Check not running after builder completes structure
#6576 opened by KKomrade