- 7
Large requests sometimes get confused
#7159 opened by dhouck - 9
Composter GUI - unable to select materials to compost
#7161 opened by VampireTechnologyLord - 0
- 1
Crash on load world with latest version of MineColonies and Tinkers
#7165 opened by Electrofried - 1
asian school
#7167 opened by abadger - 2
Bakery not requesting fuel
#7175 opened by ToMe25 - 2
Tinker compatibility server crash on login
#7176 opened by patgoull - 7
When builder dies while doing a job, the next builder begins to dismantle rather than continue.
#7180 opened by kaboddy - 8
Builder Manual mode no longer has a way to start a task
#7182 opened by abadger - 0
AI issue - builder couldn't mine modded block/entity (Supplementals signpost)
#7184 opened by mcmanustfj - 6
builderinfiniteresources: worker stop working
#7187 opened by Waxime64 - 2
Game crashes after giving tools to lumberjack. (using Dynamic trees)
#7188 opened by AkGamerRo - 3
Forester sapling issues
#7186 opened by dhouck - 3
Medieval Oak Tavern Level 3 is broken, prevent upgrades
#7194 opened by cheshyrp - 1
Ticking entity involving dynamic trees
#7196 opened by lebanni - 0
Typo in notification of renamed builder
#7197 opened by Faxix - 0
Request system doesnt check if hut is built or has a worker assigned before sending a request to it
#7198 opened by Bashkaaaa - 7
Glassblowers Hut Creative placement not working
#7199 opened by VampireTechnologyLord - 6
Crash on opening
#7200 opened by VampireTechnologyLord - 3
Undertaker AI Issue
#7201 opened by InfernoNeko - 1
Farmer Not Planting
#7206 opened by GamerGamerStalinator - 1
Barracks Placeholder causes x-ray
#7211 opened by dhouck - 4
Mirroring of barracks tower placeholder doesn't work
#7212 opened by dhouck - 3
JEI plugin conflicts with the Integrated Dynamics's facede
#7214 opened by wasdspace - 4
Pathfinding: blocks which are under water have too low pathing cost, which makes NPCs get stuck while they are trying to cross a body of water
#7207 opened by Bashkaaaa - 2
Ticking Entity Crash with MineColonies and Dynamic Trees after using suggested fix
#7208 opened by AndrewEllen - 1
Cant hire new citizens even thought barracks has room for guards
#7210 opened by starfall18 - 2
Instant Build
#7220 opened by CTH999 - 2
Cook cannot be build 0.14.204-ALPHA
#7221 opened by gotoxy - 3
JEI not displaying custom datapack outputs from sifter hut correctly.
#7223 opened by Electrofried - 0
New Guard UI do not have the archer/knight change option
#7216 opened by Hequinoxe - 4
TC compat issue (?): vanilla fuel types not visible in fuel selection UI
#7217 opened by Bashkaaaa - 0
Composter not obeying minimum amount to be left in warehouse.
#7226 opened by dupontct - 0
Teleport Scrolls lost registeration information (UI only) after player going into Nether.
#7225 opened by EverettSummer - 5
{ 1.16.5 } Unable to get past a Header error on client reconnect to a server
#7229 opened by ACrazyD - 1
Porting to fabic
#7228 opened by jlin53882 - 1
Builder suddenly stopped working
#7230 opened by JijaSuu - 0
Compost barrel does not work on servers
#7231 opened by Electrofried - 1
Dark Oak Builder not utilizing chests
#7232 opened by NerdyViking - 6
Enchanter stops showing up as employed in enchanter hut and can not open worker GUI
#7238 opened by Electrofried - 0
Client logs getting spammed with render errors that tell me to report it to the mod author so here I am.
#7239 opened by Electrofried - 0
Related citizens can become partners
#7240 opened by dupontct - 4
Dark Oak Medieval House at Low Level citizen doesn't sleep
#7242 opened by ncottrill - 0
Guards don't follow - just sit at hutblock
#7243 opened by Talyda - 0
Miner "minimum inventory" rekd
#7244 opened by ncottrill - 2
Miner keeps ores in inventory rather than stashing them
#7245 opened by AWolters-ru - 5
i cant't load into my world
#7247 opened by chaosnick44 - 1
Colonists AI not factoring flowing lava in their pathfinding
#7236 opened by ClementJ18 - 1
[1.16.5] Barracks Tower Shows no resources and crash if build is clicked
#7237 opened by DarkGuardsman - 1
Playerhousing wooden 3
#7249 opened by chris5022