- 0
[BUG] Urns and magic wand
#119 opened by piCINKEnet - 0
Crashes while killing the Enderman
#112 opened by Mobingiue - 0
Crash on Foggy Stone unique block breaking
#113 opened by ALJ323 - 1
Weird crash involving a sheep and a lamprey from Better Animals Plus
#116 opened by MrRedstoneA1 - 0
Torches can be placed on Nightberry plant
#117 opened by InkSsskeleton - 0
[BUG] Unable to repair niobium tools and armour with niobium ingots
#120 opened by AstardGrimoire - 1
[Suggestion] Boss and dungeons
#62 opened by Zack7292 - 4
Crash with Tinker's Construct
#63 opened by LemonJamTart - 2
Mod's incompattible with SpongeForge.
#64 opened by cyb3rm4n - 3
Flowerpots duplicate items
#66 opened by SunnyOpossum - 1
"Misty World Has Run Into an Issue!"
#65 opened by TheVisionaryOne - 1
Ctrl-Placing Cobblestone Places a Different Block...
#67 opened by TheVisionaryOne - 5
[REQUESTS] 3 Config, 1 Building Request
#68 opened by DVorriose - 2
Any Items Can Be Put In Respirator Slot
#69 opened by TheVisionaryOne - 2
Respirator Slot Hides Baubles and Aether Inventory Icons
#70 opened by TheVisionaryOne - 4
[Issue] FPS issue when looking up or down
#71 opened by DevTimur - 1
Crash while generating chunks ina world with Wizardry
#72 opened by Zack7292 - 0
crash when loading with misty world
#73 opened by lampyr - 2
ClassCastException in GenLayerBordersFinal while exploring Misty dimension
#74 opened by codewarrior0 - 1
[REQUEST] Config option for weak computers
#76 opened by DevTimur - 1
[BUG] visual glitch when multiple inventory tabs
#75 opened by DevTimur - 1
[Small bugs] Update locallisation files
#78 opened by DevTimur - 7
[SUGGESTION] Blacklist for mobs not affected by acid
#77 opened by DevTimur - 3
[BUG] planks localisation and icon
#79 opened by DevTimur - 0
[BUG] More localization and lighting bug
#81 opened by DevTimur - 3
[BUG] Something fishy bout SaltPeter ore
#82 opened by DevTimur - 1
Server Crash update from 4.12 to 4.14
#83 opened by judicius - 2
console spammed with error while pot UI is open.
#84 opened by Terra-B-Welch - 0
[SUGGESTION] Config option for disabling suit render.
#85 opened by Terra-B-Welch - 2
Config option for can't sleep if friend is in misty world
#86 opened by ewanm89 - 1
Misty world portal doesn't open on Sponge
#87 opened by LemADEC - 0
[SUGGESTION] Minor Astral Sorcery Support?
#88 opened by Terra-B-Welch - 2
Crash on load - unsure of cause?
#90 opened by Sakata-MC - 0
[BUG] Duplication glitch using ceramic urns
#89 opened by RS-Mind - 0
[compatibility] make campfire compatible with no tree punching and realistic torches
#91 opened by Biviho - 0
[Suggestion] - Tree destruction improvement
#94 opened by SSKirillSS - 4
[Rendering Distance] Sand block's replace other soils... May be one of the cause for high cpu calculation
#95 opened by alxcool - 3
Mobs Suffocating when spawned in with InControl
#96 opened by hoklai1997 - 0
Just a heads up, was on incompatibility with other dimension mods
#97 opened by AnnoyingBitch - 0
[Small bugs] Campfire sticks name, burnable door
#99 opened by DevTimur - 0
[SUGGESTION] Carve and Strip wood
#100 opened by DevTimur - 3
[INCOMPATIBILITY] Crash when mining foggy stone with a pickaxe enchanted with veining(veining enchantment mod)
#101 opened by Terra-B-Welch - 1
[bug? complaint?] Trees cause some fps drop
#102 opened by DevTimur - 1
Crash on Load (The mod 'Misty World' has thrown an exception.)
#103 opened by judicius - 0
portals dont link up with the overworld
#104 opened by Npcfanatic21 - 0
Wrong number of drops
#105 opened by GoldenTotem - 1
[suggestion] Intoxication and Pollution
#106 opened by DevTimur - 0
Soap from carfting table
#107 opened by InkSsskeleton - 1
Salt & Saltpeter
#108 opened by InkSsskeleton - 0
cauldron crash with foodfunk
#109 opened by Biviho