- 3
[Bug]: Elephants Animations are Broken
#2 opened by SaltSouls - 1
[Bug]: 4.0 issues for 1.19.2
#3 opened by SiverDX - 5
[Bug]: Butterflies In Every Creative Tab
#5 opened by RyanSalad - 1
[Bug]: Food items aren't tagged properly for Origins
#7 opened by Aegiscarr - 7
[Bug]: mob animations break when using shaders on iris (Quilt)
#8 opened by Specimen-420 - 0
[Bug]: Crash startup
#10 opened by steam9w - 0
[Bug]: Parsing error loading recipe & unknown item naturalist:reptile_hide
#12 opened by xR4YM0ND - 0
[Bug]: Server boot error message
#17 opened by penturt - 0
[Bug]: Fabric server startup error (Parsing error loading recipe naturalist:leather_from_reptile_hide)
#19 opened by Br1ckl - 0
[Bug]: `Lion::finalizeSpawn` does not call super, preventing Forge from saving the `MobSpawnType`
#20 opened by Fuzss - 2
[Bug]: Butterfly registered as AMBIENT, but spawning as CREATURE
#22 opened by DrakonoSoul - 0
[Bug]: Certain Food Items lack integration into the Diet Mod
#23 opened by Chris6ix - 0
[Bug]: [NIGHTLY] The game crashes on both mod loaders.
#24 opened by Eggmanplant - 0
[Bug] [1.20.1]: Rhinos missing attack animation
#26 opened by Sandriell - 0
[Bug]: Mismatched spawn type for naturalist:dragonfly
#27 opened by MbtMarco - 1
[Bug]: Vultures don't drop items they've stolen when they die
#29 opened by LlubNek - 0
[Bug]: リス・マンモスがリスポーンしません
#30 opened by flapjack1510 - 0
[Suggestion]: crafting remainders for bucket items
#32 opened by davidjjung - 0
[Bug]: IceAndFire Gorgon causes crash when turning butterflys to stone
#35 opened by TranquilStar - 0
[Bug]: sf_nba:snake_check can only be called from a snake. I’m on a console btw
#36 opened by loriwa24 - 0
[Bug]: Glow Goo Dupe Glitch
#38 opened by nothingtown