- 2
Crash Immediately After Placing Infusion Pylon
#1 opened by HockeyZman2000 - 6
Expulsion Pylon crash
#21 opened by User9684 - 2
[Suggestion] Add config option to extend duration of potion effect and number of seconds left before timer is reset.
#22 opened by AymenLoudiy - 3
Suggestion: check for if player's spawn is in same chunk as expulsion pylon to prevent griefing
#2 opened by TheDyreBanana - 2
Suggestion: Alert players when they are being expulsed
#3 opened by TheDyreBanana - 3
Enhancement: Config for wider spawn protection from expulsion pylons
#4 opened by TheDyreBanana - 6
Crash when trying to break a pylon with an annihilation plane from AE2
#5 opened by TheDyreBanana - 2
Bypassing expulsion pylons
#6 opened by TheDyreBanana - 1
Cannot break blocks in new version
#7 opened by TheDyreBanana - 5
[1.18.1-2.0.6] infusionRequiredDuration config changes not taking effect properly
#8 opened by Salamance73 - 2
FTBChunks / FTBTeams support?
#11 opened by sarim - 1
Melon not supported in harvester?
#10 opened by sarim - 1
hoes just disappear in a short time
#12 opened by JeffChien - 2
mystical agriculture farmland not recognized
#13 opened by Kyzoku - 2
Expulsion Pylons keep the chunks loaded after removal
#14 opened by vadcx - 5
Can't interact/break pylons
#15 opened by Nishh - 1
Harvester Pylon radius (3*3 to 9*9) wrong - ATM9
#17 opened by pa6324641 - 1
Will yall add the version 1.19.3 for this mod?
#16 opened by PetBR1234 - 1
Use Hoe's Fortune Level with Harvester Pylon
#18 opened by DanMaklen - 1
Make speed upgrades for the harvester pylon
#19 opened by yutoe - 1
Harvest Pylon does not support harvesting Sourceberries
#20 opened by DerpyFrood0421 - 1
How do I add to other worlds?
#23 opened by GnomoMuitoLoco - 2
Config Changes didnt work
#24 opened by HolyYanks - 3
Suggestion for implementing improvements related to Expulsion Pylon
#25 opened by GnomoMuitoLoco - 1
Configurable crop harvesting
#27 opened by jeremiahwinsley - 7
Harvest Pylon is losing data
#28 opened by Saereth - 0
harvester pylon doesn't harvest crops from Let's Do Vinery & Brewery
#29 opened by hackedunicorn - 1
Suggestion: Add april fools joke
#30 opened by OracleHisty - 1
Potion filter fails to lock to potion with duration of exactly 60 seconds
#31 opened by MBCollector672 - 1
Enhancement: Server config to allow CC:Tweaked to wrap infusion pylon as an inventory
#32 opened by TheStraying11 - 1
Expulsion Pylon seems to not be working
#33 opened by sporefreak - 6
Infusion Pylon on server flickers some effects
#34 opened by Nonsanity