- 1
I:spawnLamentStonesFreq=-1 doesn't prevent Lament Stones
#30 opened by Jomik - 1
Add an introductory gui to inform new players
#29 opened by Pyrofab - 7
Crash with Welcome to the jungle
#28 opened by Spews - 0
Invulnerability to void damage
#27 opened by Pyrofab - 4
[1.12.2] Server Crashes due to unable to find I18N
#26 opened by Ristellise - 4
Alternative flight modes not working [1.11.2]
#25 opened by godemperoroftheworld - 2
Crash with Albedo?
#24 opened by Divineaspect - 1
Ghosts look like regular players [1.11.2]
#23 opened by godemperoroftheworld - 1
(enhancement) partial manifestation
#22 opened by lag42 - 6
crash upon using a separator
#21 opened by lag42 - 5
Jei integration for crucible and mortar
#20 opened by lag42 - 5
Retrocompatibility issue with old worlds
#19 opened by JuanoD - 1
Looks like you've got some pretty awesome plans for this mod.
#18 opened by KingEdward9830 - 2
Dissolution forcing hidden health bar to be shown (mod compatibility issue)
#17 opened by Thyriel - 4
Suggestion: Reapers
#16 opened by LatentDesire - 2
[Question] What are Mercury lakes for ?
#15 opened by Zygus42 - 2
[feature request] ingame information on certain blocks
#14 opened by Zygus42 - 2
#13 opened by Gromyown - 2
1.12 - phantom items
#12 opened by Zygus42 - 5
1.12 become ghost but appear normal after death
#11 opened by lag42 - 3
(suggestion) enhanced scythes
#10 opened by Armokthespideroverlord - 2
[Bug] Corpses only store loot with scarab of eternity
#9 opened by KingEdward9830 - 3
[Bug] Fire immunity is carried after respawn
#8 opened by KingEdward9830 - 2
Suggestions about possession
#7 opened by KingEdward9830 - 5
[Feature Request] Corpse doesn't decay
#6 opened by Jomik - 7
[feature request] ability to pass through blocks above death point
#5 opened by Zygus42 - 3
[feature request] please add info overlays to each item
#4 opened by Zygus42 - 5
1.11.2 - Cannot respawn after dying on server
#2 opened by Not-February