- 2
readme wrong links?
#151 opened by inspire22 - 1
Hijack new vanilla gamerule for immediate respawn
#152 opened by Pyrofab - 2
Crash with optifabric
#153 opened by 1a2s3d4f1 - 2
Compat Issue Shulker Charm
#156 opened by MLMII - 0
Feature: Add support for Mobz undead mobs
#163 opened by Martmists-GH - 0
Being transported to a different dimension resets Demon status
#165 opened by Martmists-GH - 0
Feature: The Hallow support
#166 opened by Martmists-GH - 4
Taking damage as undead does not affect health bar visibly
#167 opened by Martmists-GH - 0
Requiem: Bone eating bug
#158 opened by ChicheCapitalist - 2
Useful ideas for Requiem Mod
#159 opened by ChicheCapitalist - 3
Requiem bug: while possessing a body, some things donĀ“t drop XP
#160 opened by ChicheCapitalist - 1
Unable to fly as a bee
#171 opened by Martmists-GH - 4
Incompatible with Immersive Portals
#170 opened by fatlard1993 - 0
Evoker fangs ability crashing the client when loading woodland mansion
#172 opened by AltimusX - 1
Crash with health overlay
#173 opened by Martmists-GH - 0
[Dialogues] Add Horologist dialogues
#176 opened by doctor4t - 2
Demons Look Like Normal Players
#177 opened by IndieanaJones - 1
The black and white nearby demon effect is sometimes caused by a nearby undead player
#178 opened by fatlard1993 - 3
Its possible to be trapped as a demon
#179 opened by fatlard1993 - 0
Shared Mob Vision
#180 opened by Zaygh - 2
Server Crash upon joining
#181 opened by Zaygh - 4
Unable to sleep when not in human form
#185 opened by James103 - 2
Pandemonium Multiplayer Bug
#188 opened by mariotime1287 - 4
#189 opened by Wubadubb - 1
Pandemonium seems to crash the game
#190 opened by mariotime1287 - 4
Possible incompatibility with Allure and/or other gravestone mods?
#192 opened by cultab - 3
Crash at launch with Identity
#193 opened by Tanden22 - 2
[1.16.3] Crash Upon Load
#194 opened by cybercat5555 - 2
No Mob Drops
#195 opened by ravensniper72 - 5
[1.16.4] Bug when changing the difficulty to peaceful in multiplayer
#196 opened by spicasensei - 2
i am not sure its this mod but its chashing when enabling this mod
#199 opened by CodedWithInsulin - 1
Little misspelling.
#197 opened by K0-RR - 5
[Weird mod conflict] Requiem-pandemonium crashes game when these 3 mods are loaded alongside.
#198 opened by K0-RR - 2
[Even weirder mod conflict] Crash when these 7 mods are loaded alongside.
#200 opened by K0-RR - 3
Graphical Glitches on vanilla-compatible servers with this mod on
#202 opened by jacekjarosz55 - 15
Zombie resurrection fails with Jumploader
#201 opened by joeyjumper94 - 0
Suggestion: option to disable fancy demon rendering (or replace it with a simpler one)
#204 opened by jacekjarosz55 - 0
When possessing a zombified piglin, death from other zombified piglins turns player into a regular zombie
#203 opened by jacekjarosz55 - 0
When in a demon state you can be on fire + texture bug.
#207 opened by K0-RR - 2
Add compat with Dehydration mod.
#208 opened by K0-RR - 9
Mobs have broken hp when possesed
#209 opened by K0-RR - 1
Can't do a charged jump as a horse.
#210 opened by K0-RR - 0
Villager clothes dissappear for a second when possessed.
#211 opened by K0-RR - 0
Modded inventory content appears on alternative inventory
#212 opened by Pyrofab - 1
It would be cool if you could have a blessed version
#213 opened by Worgrick - 2
1.4.4 version not turning on
#214 opened by J3LL4 - 2
resurrect as drowned?
#206 opened by joeyjumper94 - 1
opus Daemonium banishment
#215 opened - 1
Canvas disables ghost shader
#216 opened by Dolphin2Point1 - 0
Possessed Entities don't have canvas shaders applied to them
#217 opened by Dolphin2Point1