- 1
Compatibility issues
#111 opened by Alrena - 19
incompatibility with dynamic stealth
#112 opened by lag42 - 2
Lag spike when looking at player shells in offline mode
#113 opened by Pyrofab - 2
Suggestion: Compatibility with Robotic Parts mod
#114 opened by Sparksolur - 2
Unusual interaction with RFPR
#115 opened by Derpford - 3
Being undead won't work
#116 opened by Gmoinit - 5
Night vision for ghosts
#117 opened by deadspidervenom - 1
Incompatibility with Betweenlands' shaders 1.12.2
#119 opened by quackzar - 1
Corosus' Zombie Players mod incompability
#121 opened by MMMiracles - 5
[1.12] Incompatibility with shaders.
#122 opened by Akayen02 - 4
Conflict with Wraith
#123 opened by EightBlade - 1
Undead players die from fall damage in one block high water
#125 opened by doctor4t - 4
Undead players are sometimes rendered twice
#126 opened by doctor4t - 0
Mod considers an undead player as a ghost
#127 opened by doctor4t - 0
Undead players don't take damage from magma blocks
#128 opened by doctor4t - 2
As a baby zombie player, you take damage when jumping in one block high spaces
#129 opened by doctor4t - 1
After installing Requiem and playing, restarting Minecraft causes a NPE
#130 opened by doctor4t - 3
Better Portals minor visual issue
#131 opened by DarianLStephens - 0
Players who choose vanilla death sometimes lose their inventory
#132 opened by Pyrofab - 0
Weird graphical glitch when looking at dying players
#133 opened by Pyrofab - 0
Holding a map during possession shows only one hand
#135 opened by Pyrofab - 1
OpenGL Error: 1281 (Invalid Value) / 1282 (Invalid Operation) occurs when Optifine has Fast Render enabled
#137 opened by jivvy - 3
Small Tweak: Remove spacebar capability when in demon mode
#138 opened by jivvy - 3
Suggestion: Server-Wide Setting
#139 opened by Zeklo - 2
Suggestion: Gradual Cure
#140 opened by Zeklo - 2
Suggestion: Hardcore Integration
#141 opened by Zeklo - 1
Suggestion: Husk Drowning Transformation
#142 opened by aaronliu0130 - 2
Suggestion: Helmets should not take damage in the sun when equipped by an undead mob with fire resist
#143 opened by Bluberry-Kat - 1
Requiem 1.0.0 and Immersive Portals 0.19 Bug
#144 opened by Kamalalshair - 7
[suggestion] Corpse mod Integration
#145 opened by TheSexyYeti - 7
[Question] Whitelist Config File
#146 opened by JonBomb1 - 1
Skeletons Don't Enter the Firing Position When Firing Bow
#147 opened by IndieanaJones - 3
Zombie Players corpse 1.!2.2
#148 opened by yuno44907 - 1
Possessed Wither Skeletons Have Inappropiate Hitboxes
#88 opened by mario384 - 0
Boat Issues
#90 opened by mario384 - 1
Invincibility with absorption
#89 opened by mario384 - 1
Horse Issues
#91 opened by mario384 - 0
[0.2.3] PossessionEventHandler SMP disconnect immediately upon joining server
#93 opened by vaegus-mg - 0
Unable to attack with Potion Core installed
#94 opened by Pyrofab - 0
Entities disappear when possessed with Epic Siege Mod installed
#96 opened by Pyrofab - 0
Health bar can cover the screen when possessing overpowered mobs
#97 opened by Pyrofab - 1
Mobs Of Larger Width Bug Out
#108 opened by mario384 - 2
Original body disappears with all inventory in death
#109 opened by cjser - 0
Creative flight doesn't work during possession
#99 opened by Pyrofab - 6
Issue with Journeymap
#102 opened by Zergmazter - 8
[0.3.2] SMP client crash when possessing
#104 opened by vaegus-mg - 5
Suggestion: Config file variable to disable the undead's idle sounds
#105 opened by vaegus-mg - 1
Mobs With Shaders Cannot See Menu Elements
#106 opened by mario384 - 3
Invisible Monsters In a Radius After Death
#107 opened by mario384 - 0
Offhand Item Transfer
#110 opened by turgea