- 1
Crashes when soul is caught
#31 opened by MadkoreNightgore - 9
[Suggestion] More Soul Types
#32 opened by Darkmega18 - 1
- 1
Using a bow when undead hits yourself
#34 opened by Darkveld - 2
Rejoining game as undead has you stuck inside undead minion
#35 opened by Darkveld - 2
Baby Zombies Burn at Daylight
#36 opened by mario384 - 1
Boat Interaction Issues
#37 opened by mario384 - 2
A bunch of bugs I've written down
#38 opened by Ironence - 2
Make scythes not use durability when cutting grass
#39 opened by Jackiecrazy - 0
Add the ability to use portals when possessing an entity
#40 opened by Pyrofab - 0
Item hotbar gone missing after being a ghost on another world? FIX
#42 opened by Barerock - 2
Mobs Don't Move Arms When Attacking
#49 opened by mario384 - 0
Wither Skeletons Don't Fire Flaming Arrows
#50 opened by mario384 - 2
Cannot Possess Undead Horses
#51 opened by mario384 - 3
Fire Damage Gives Strange Knockback
#52 opened by mario384 - 7
Immunity to all damage after dying as a possessed mob, repossessing, then becoming human again
#46 opened by Barerock - 0
possessed zombies take falling damage when they shouldn't...
#47 opened by gravysamich - 0
entering the aether from aether legacy through their portal seperates the player and their possessed undead mob
#48 opened by lag42 - 1
Possessing Mob Attacking Causes Oddities
#53 opened by mario384 - 1
Suggestion:Betweenlands mod
#55 opened by Caopr - 0
Odd issue with Sync mod
#54 opened by Darkveld - 2
[BUG] Kicked from world when attacking while possessing undead.
#56 opened by Noxalas - 9
Vanillafix - Voidcraft - and Erebus bone block issue
#58 opened by Caopr - 1
Weird Crash with Creative mode, and standard zombie
#57 opened by MairuFrost - 1
[enhancement] a whitelist and blacklist for possession
#59 opened by lag42 - 1
[0.1.1-resurrection][Inspirations compat?] Server Crash
#61 opened by DaedalusGame - 0
[0.1.1-resurrection] Blue vignette on the wrong player (?)
#62 opened by DaedalusGame - 1
[0.1.1-resurrection] Visual glitches in multiplayer
#64 opened by DaedalusGame - 0
[0.1.1-resurrection] Out of body experiences
#63 opened by DaedalusGame - 5
[0.1.1-resurrection] Self-harm
#65 opened by DaedalusGame - 0
[Bug] Attempting to attack an invalid entity
#60 opened by Alessandro404 - 0
[0.1.1-resurrection] Setting remnant status while bodyless
#66 opened by DaedalusGame - 2
#67 opened by KamiSami - 1
Text problems on 0.1.3 [bug]
#68 opened by xoxa18 - 3
[0.1.3] Remnant players are translucent, then eventually turn solid
#69 opened by DaedalusGame - 2
There is an odd crash that occurs during loading when your mod and the following is in the same modpack...
#70 opened by Shade-Jonezy - 4
PlayerRevive incompatibility
#71 opened by CreativeMD - 1
Interactions with Tough as Nails
#72 opened by wenlfs - 1
Compatibility with Mob Amputation
#73 opened by wenlfs - 2
Can't place blocks when using Better With Mods
#74 opened by wenlfs - 0
Fire overlay appears in third person
#75 opened by Pyrofab - 2
Incompatibility with SpongeForge
#78 opened by Azvalk - 1
Invisible monsters
#79 opened by Azvalk - 3
#80 opened by Azvalk - 7
Incompatibility with 2 mods
#81 opened by Azvalk - 1
Break only half of doors when soul
#76 opened by wenlfs - 3
Strange behavior when enter in a world
#77 opened by wenlfs - 1
Undead mounts
#83 opened by Jomik - 1
curing a possessed zombie villager traps the player inside the villager
#85 opened by lag42 - 1
Crash on becoming spirit
#87 opened by HyperMan19680