- 1
#560 opened by kiven7e - 0
Configurable Previous Recipe Keybind [Feature]
#561 opened by huantianad - 4
#562 opened by DbHCwhMF - 3
Names not shown correctly
#564 opened by codeman1o1 - 3
The Shulker box overlay for Tweakeroo/Minihud doesn't mesh well with REI
#565 opened by Cookieiowastaken - 0
Menu loop[Bug]
#566 opened by morottao - 2
Crash when searching [Bug]
#567 opened by Knito58 - 1
[Bug] REI interprets tooltip components improperly
#568 opened by emilyploszaj - 1
[Bug] Happiness is a Warm Gun Crash
#563 opened by lartts - 1
[Bug] [Forge] REI bypasses RenderTooltipEvent when rendering tooltips
#570 opened by squeek502 - 1
Crashing on lunch[Bug]
#569 opened by YourMotherr - 5
[Bug] Crashes on startup if used with Industrial Revolution and Happines is a Warm Gun
#571 opened by filipesn - 2
[Bug] Favoriting items causes crash.
#572 opened by ArrowFX - 2
[Bug] REI is not updating its entries
#573 opened by idkimanerd - 4
[Feature] Add Pinyin/Kana support
#574 opened by shedaniel - 0
[Bug] name search does not work when no criterion is set to "Always Enabled"
#575 opened by nnym - 1
[Bug] NoClassDefFoundError: me/shedaniel/math/Point
#576 opened by sylv256 - 2
[Bug] Recipes not displayed for some items in TechReborn
#577 opened by wbsp9999 - 1
[Bug] Crash at stratup with REI v6.0.262-alpha on FABRIC
#578 opened by Freggels - 4
[Bug] [Fabric] "NullPointerException: Entry type minecraft:item doesn't exist!" on some mods with custom special crafting recipes..
#579 opened by Tacodiva - 0
[Fabric 1.17.1] Move Items button (+) places ingredients on the wrong slots
#580 opened by Desempregago - 0
[Bug] item stays on cursor after closing inventory
#581 opened by ayunami2000 - 2
[Bug] Game keeps crashing spitting this ERR-Output
#583 opened by SirTwsted - 1
[Bug] Unable to launch game, crash report references RoughlyEnoughItems as the cause.
#584 opened by LiviiYS - 1
[Bug - Fabric 1.17.1] REI unable to load with Rei Compatibility plugin.
#586 opened by Luligabi1 - 2
[1.17 Bug] Client crashes when searching scrolling through REI Pages
#585 opened by kalinzange - 2
- 6
Game Crashes when scrolling through REI pages
#588 opened by ayuwooh - 1
[Bug] Favourites saved in older versions (1.16 and before) don't appear after updating to 1.17.x
#589 opened by Katniss218 - 7
[Bug] doesn't declare dependency on Architectury through fabric.mod.json
#591 opened by quat1024 - 2
Crash (rei.api / cpas.runtime)
#592 opened by K0-RR - 3
[Bug] Fluids stop rendering with Iris shaders 1.17
#590 opened by Desempregago - 1
[Crash Report] REI 266 Alpha breaks AppleSkin integration
#593 opened by Desempregago - 0
Search bar doesn't catch E
#594 opened by shedaniel - 21
Freezing game after recipe[Bug]
#595 opened by Tryonus - 1
[Bug] Keybinds register in search bar
#596 opened by TheFireOcean - 1
[Bug] v6.0.267 not marked as compatible with 1.17.1 on Curseforge
#597 opened by HandyHat - 1
[Bug] Dragging from favourite removes the item from favourite (v0.6.260-alpha)
#598 opened by Azercoco - 1
[Bug] Crash when saving settings
#599 opened by maicol07 - 1
[Bug] REI and SBTT are conflicting, causing the game to crash.
#600 opened by sadboiweedpound - 1
[Bug] REI is not working until you press 'Reload Plugins' in config options
#601 opened by itsdinkd - 1
#604 opened by johannesmateboer - 1
[Bug]i cannot pick up my items
#602 opened by minkey-paloozi - 5
[Bug] Interacting with the menu makes my cursor stuck on top of my game.
#603 opened by Snoe0 - 1
[Bug] Tooltip rendering is not the same as vanilla for line breaking
#605 opened by Azercoco - 3
[Bug] Wont show recipes when i click on items 1.17.1
#606 opened by Jec1042 - 1
[Forge] Search bar appears in inappropriate GUIs
#607 opened by Matthysse - 0
[Bug] Show recipes not working if Showing Craftable is toggled on
#608 opened by ShinryuAspect - 2
[Bug] Crashes upon using search bar
#609 opened by just-chubbyfoxx - 1
[Feature] Shows what mobs can drop it when seeing recipes for an item
#610 opened by just-chubbyfoxx